Thursday, February 26, 2009
The scene that depicts siva drinking the poison so that the innocent are not harm...

THE narasimma..what i love..amidst all the anger, can you spot the calm prakalathan?

i love this painting...krishna and radha...all attractive...

THE hero..hanuman..check out the details in the way his face is...god! i love the paintings!

Thursday, February 05, 2009
I am indeed proud to have a brother like mine...
He has moulded himself through experiences and dad's teachings. YES, i agree that my brother can be irritating, rude and very insensitive to others feelings at time. Well, I am not being defensive but he behaves like that when he feels that person deserves it..It's his way of saying, I don't like this aspect in you..hey, he never fakes himself for anyone..even ME! He has grown into a handsome, smart and cheeky man!
I am happy. because he finally reached for and won the light(my ladies will know what I AM SAYING). I feel so worried when he gets into messy situations. I am a very protective sister, U BREAK HIS HEART..simple thing, I BREAK YOUR FACE!...As jes says, he's a softie too...I hate to see my little brother cry cause he brings nothing but laughter in my life. Well he's well loved, respected , pampered and treasured by people around him. Even when I try sabo-ing him, JES will always be prepared to shield him and yes, hit back at Me! see, what I mean!
I was tired and tried calling him to fetch him. He obligied and waited 90 mins for me...on our ride back, we nearly hit a car. He changed his lane without signaling. My brother horned. He held onto my hands tightly...making me feel touched. Hell yea, I MISS BIKE RIDES WITH BEE!! (vadi more slower,safer)
After eating dinner, coming to the dam, we were stopped by police checks...hahaha...but we were told to go.. I told muthu, dey prob. thought after looking at him, oh, wife ah! since i look so matured! i know its crazy, even he laughed so hard...
Anyway Muthu(if u still have the habit of reading my blog), I never tell you this all the time,
Sunday, February 01, 2009
I know I have been missing for a while...its february now...after my last post.
Please pardon me, I am so tired after work that I do not wish to switch on my laptop.
I just want to spend time with people, sleep and yes, eavesdrop on Muthu's phone calls(like he claims).
so Yes, Please tolerate my faithfulness to this blogspot...
The annual sastha pillaigal CNY beach affair was a enjoyable was so popular that when we played dog and bone...there were audiences..hahahaha...
anyway back to the tittle, I had very colourful conversations with different people...
the friday, SKINHEAD GIG AT BUGIS...
I went to tekha, blue diamond to have dinner with my ladies. As I had to get worms for the weekend projects. I decided to call praba for help. He was so sweet to check it out for me! THANKS PRABA!!!..amidst his kavadi preparations. The girls went to do threading..I badly need one but just feel so lazy to go under the thread...argghhh!!!
We headed down to skinhead was in an alley in bugis...Fai met us there and I got myself 2 tops from dorothy Perkins. I was scared first...very scared.. I didn't want to go but I trusted I went along... We were standing with her friends' band. My heart was thumping..I loved the music...the guitar and the drums makes you wanna dance. What shocked me was how they were dancing to it. They were moshing each other, in simple terms...shoving each other... till at some parts, they fall and get stepped on...OUCH! I went to chill with them and made new friends. HALIMUN AND MANDEEP SINGH...
I realised they are not what I perceived them to be, They were friendly funny and yes very , funky! The first question I asked, Isn't it painful? Their reply, its brotherhood..tomoro then pain...hahaha...I learnt that in singapore there are two types, ADELPHI AND FORUM. and they have their own Brothers who look after them..or are highly respected. Anyway, they have education. Halimun is an ITE graduate and Mandeep was the top '0' level student in normal academic stream this year. I got rid of the fear and am looking forward the next gig.
The both of us have been taking taxi since his bike went into ICU FOR THREE WEEKS NOW
poor him! but i have been having fun, walks...
So yes, the taxi driver had just paid respect to his late friend..and was starting his shift again.
I kept quiet BUT listened to him intensely... hE spoke about how music influences him and how he feels that indian music has it influences in western music...than he made this statement..I am a, I WAS a musician. I didn't wanna say anything so I kept quiet...But inside of me, I asked, Just because he stopped being a jazz pianist, does not mean he's not a musician. He still is...everybody is...RIGHT?! ever since, I did some readings on my music modules, alot of perceptions have changed and I am more open now to identify and respect other genres...
well, music is a way of life.... nagging.wants to sleep.wants to say good night.wants me to turn off the laptop.
Byes.Before I scream at him!