Sunday, August 26, 2007

This was his third birthday with me...and I had already run out of ideas of what to get him..*sighz* so this year..i got him a perfume..BURBERRY TOUCH and aa ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH shirt!..lolx!but something was missing. I love to have personal touches when i present a gift to me love ones..It is very sentimental to me. So i decided to do a self-made gift box. I purchased a cake box. Lina was telling me and my colleagues about this multiply site. The lady does wonderful yummy mini cup cakes! i decided to browse, and I fell in love with the way they looked! I placed an order. her add! do take a look.! Preparations were going on. We wanted to have a picnic on our own..but i felt that would be really boring. and i would love DJ with us! DOUBLE DATING WITH THESE 2 IS SO SO SO FUN! so they agreed to join us the day before. I went marketing with my dearest on wednesday...came home and painted the box.and sprinkled glitter! was like..wah! nice for bf ah!..*giggles*..
Thursday was a very very busy day.I had my lecture but couldn't go becos i had preparations and tuition that i couldn't cancel becos of exams. So..after work, went tuition. He came to pick me up with muthu(who has a new machine now..yipeee!).It started to
rain!! *&%$$^&! caught in the rain for 45 mins. took a cab to ros's place! so beautiful!bold red and beautifully radical!..i collected the minis and the boys fetched me from her place as the rain stopped. came home.did the box.pasted hearts.wrote love notes.put the other hearts inside. gifts. my eyes were drooping..sleepy!
Friday..his birthday! I was supposed to prepare food for the picnic but I woke up late so my dearest mamz came over to help me!..i boiled the hot dogs...the corn kernels..and my mamz did the sardine sambal and the frying of chicken while i got ready! I was so excited to be going out with these 3 crazy lovables!...jes picked us up on a cab..headed down to the gateway! went to vivocity to get the tram! so COOL!. we took the purple tram. When we reached the beach station, it started to rain!!ARGGGGHHHH!upset.moody.hopin it would stop!..we took the tram car to the PALAWAN BEACH!and ate in the shelter..too hungry!..and the rain finally stopped and we went out to play! we sat down..showed vadi his gifts!..exchanged love!..took alot of picturistic mmemories..played..teased..carried..laughed and simply HAD FUN!jes had to go to work!so i headed back wit them to vadi's place to kip the stuff to head out again! i cleared the box of cup cakes..! SHowed G&G my new pigments!...proud of them!lolx!..than headed out. i had class.he had class test! I WAS DRAINED at the end of the day!..STILL AM! photos at multiply!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Use this picture.
I've been chancing upon blogs talking about people have been affected by it. What do u define FAT?! hanging loose or the height and weight ratio?! I would say FAT is something everyone has and if you have the confidence, you will break it!Body shape means alot more to women than men!The simple reason, look at the toys that we played with as girls from all over are playing with, BARBIE DOLLS!perfect body, nice bust,curvy ass and luscious lips!From young, we idolise slim women! SLIM = BEAUTIFUL! Look at all the advertisements,nice slim looking ladies. BIG women have no place in a society of beautiful people?! I'm not against small women! I have gorgeous looking small looking girls around me..JES,GOWRI,EREEN,SYAH!and they are full of confidence! But do all small women love their body?..I have a gf who always asks me if i could share my boobs!hahahaha.funny but sad!We have confidence but there is the small part of us..which always asks for perfection..something better.and at times, i feel that some parts of my body were smaller than what they look like!I hate it when i try something and its not the right fit,when i ask for a bigger size,they go...sorry m'am..that's the biggest!I have always thought i'm blessed for the body i have!I was no all confident girl; i went through depression,diet and disclipined myself to lose weight! it's in every women i guess. But i have grown out of it!..I know i'm beautiful the way i look!if i feel i need to do something, I WILL!Not to be beautiful, just to be myself! i was going online..i saw pictures of different body shapes!..
Hourglass shape!
Friday, August 10, 2007

let's see..where can i start?..too many happenings..too little time to jot them down in my blog. Let me list the events, arrival of a new faMILY member,shivani amrita! Siranjeevi aadhitya's sister. she's so adorable. first few days, she didn't smile at all. And when days went by, when she got more familiar, she become like a joy i looked forward to see everytime i went home!Vadi liked her lots because she stuck to him like glue.hahahaha.. i have pictures of her in my mobile.My house prayers..something i looked 4ward to as its been so long since we did aadi masam prayers. We were asked to do this prayers by my father's friend, Uncle kanna, who passed away two days before the prayer. It was very sad. I OWE HIM BIG TIME! He paid my fees for me, telling my dad that he knew that the money would not go to waste esp. when it is for me. I teared when i heard this. I would definitely dedicate my degree to this person who knew that I would do well...Shivani was dressed in indian traditional attire..which my dearest bought for her!..I wore my mum's retro looking nice! She smiled so much that day! I lovuuuu U shivani!kakakakaka...The next event was bajans..lots of bajans!..but the shun fu estate the decoration was beautiful..simply breath-taking! After that, went to vadi's place to help, gaya said she would come i was not be the only girl among my hunky brothers..kekeke..we did decorations, laughed..lots of trial and error before we perfected. GAYA is really good at tying saree so we used her skill to tie saree for the soolam. realli nice!!hahahaha but lots of work. taking pleats..ironing...sorting out!..its turned out fantastic! than kept doing this peacock feather looong!and gowri's snake which looked so real...*goosebumps*..put them altogether..VOILA!..but the boys felts..the pillayar did not have anything so devan did the drawing of the sanskrit "om" on a leave..Together the DD painted it with white ash(viboothi) and saffron(kungumam)..and muthu was feeling sleepy and started his nonsense!..sheesh..went home at 6 am to sleep..woke up! at 9! dad was going to i had time to get ready! shivani was up asking me to carry her!i adore that babygal of mine! than i went to vadi's place at around 10 plus...and sangs came later after taking u-know-what!hahaha..pooja is toatally adorable!she got scared of the lift and refused to go down by herself!lolx!got back home..and slept!the next event was national day celebrations at school, children were dresses in red and whit looking so patriotic!i love my nursery and GK6 kids! so funky and cool! party was filled laughter and noises! they enjoyed themselves! and than i was not planning to head out that night as the next morning i had to attend prayers but everybody was forcing me to go..and i had NO CHOICE!..i know i would love it!PUMP ROOM!retro music..and my EVON was going! I canncelled tuition..when home changed and headed to clarke quay with Evon! to meet the rest! the night was filled with dancing , heart - bumping music and sweet smiling faces around me! the band is really reallly fabulous. JIVE TALKING!head down if you can enter a club!(i asked my dad if i could go..because i still am his daughter, and live under his roof, its respect i think i will have foreva)..maybe i should bring dad is so his time! but its lovely!..I LOVE U BABY!The next event, NATIONAL DAY!..paran's house prayers..damn tired..shacked and was not in the mood to talk but ravi annae kept disturbing me!arghhh!..he loves irritating me! I was sleepy and my eyes kept shutting, rajes was like "hey, don't la"!..lolz! was nice seeing banu's parents after a long time..they have always been dear to me! like my god-parents!...and then we palnned to play block catching at ravi annae's place at 4!..lolx! I KNOW AS OLD AS 26, block catching! heck care la! we were in the mood to RUN!we played block catching,relay, ball games,poisonous ball.. u name it.. we tried it!..WE WERE PERSIPIRING LIKE MAD!we missed the parade but we had lots of fun! The kids enjoyed it..durga and eeshwar were so CUTE!running with us..!and guna anna treated us to KFC!shivani amrita came over with mum and dad..having dinner with the whole bunch and went home..dreadfully thinking aboit work..DONE!its pretty long..but worth a read!
I know...* I AIN'T POINTING OUT ANYONE IN MY MSGES! very general!..DISCLAIMER here!that I can be irritating at times.that I am very ARROGRANT..(2 people whom i don't like or WHO don't like me).that I am very straightforward..(simply becos i prefer to have my views heard).that I have a temper..(and can really do bad damage).that I am intolerant of nonsenses.that I am very impatient..(esp, when i want something to work).that I am possessive (esp. over my loved ones).that I am aggressive and rather rugged in my behaviour.(not like the "girl")that I take things for granted at times..that i have a hard time getting along people who do not leave a first good time impression..(but I DO TRY MY BEST..).that I am blunt at times and i hurt people's feelings.that I am a happy-go-lucky kind of lady.that I am regarded as the havoc gal..(but u think i care..).that I am a daddy Lil princess and mummy's spoilt brat..( i don't do house work..and my parents don't complain).that I am a emotional wreck..(cry during movies and funerals even tho the deceased is of any relation to me)that I am a nice girl..that I am matured ( I don't harp on issues and refuse to grow up!)that I am responsible.(my family knows)that I am very successful (given my age).that I am hard working.(if not, i would bother doing a bachelor's)that I am a funny person and make any one's bones tickle..(ask my colleagues)that I am trust-worthy.that I am faithful to the one who entrusts me his heart.that I am a loving daughter,sister,girlfriend and friend.that I can dance and let my hair down any time.that I am a confident person.that I come from families of good looking people!that I am a optimistic person..(I'M WALKING ON SUNSHINE)that I take criticisms well.(depends..hahahahaha)that I am a family-oriented person.that I am DURGA DEVI SIVAJIAND I AM PROUD TO BE HER