Wednesday, July 25, 2007
I BELIEVE...*these are my believes...not insulting anyone's elses...
that every child has the right to study for free.(than i dun have pay!)that every living thing has the right to love and to be loved.that every religion should be respected despite its practices.that everyone can be nice if they want to.that respect should not only end with the lips(it has to be skin deep).that love isn't about gifts,flowers or money.that everyone has their own right to make their choices about life.that everyone does not have an "HYPROCRITE" in them.that problems should be addressed instead of left off with assumptions.that speaking out your mind is another talent.that PASSION is felt by the heart.that embracing people with SMILES is more heartwarming than stares.that frowing makes me looks so UGLY!that loving someone is more than just saying I LOVE YOU.that it is fine to be straightforward as far as you put your words well.that a person should NOT be judged on their "attire" alone.that standing up for yourself is a portrayal of respect for yourself.that parents deserve nothing but the best!that family comes before anything.that when a woman marries, she is not only marrying the man but his family and therefore, love has to be given to EVERYONE.that the my indian traditional wedding can never be replaced by anything else that comes along in life.that CONFIDENCE is within everybody and just need a few taps.that children can make you fume,cry,depress but best of all, SMILE!that there's an IDOL in U and ME!that if you cannot afford that LV bag, do not buy the fake one.!in natural beauty...hahahaha..the best beauty in all..
Sunday, July 22, 2007
I better blog this now before my memoery deletes of some of the moments i had. My experiences are still vague and fresh. I am really excited to tell about this really-nice-sunday i had wid my degree course mates, vadi and of cos my dyanmic duo,DJ AKA JD.
Sacred!...i went to a church wedding for the 1st time in my life!..first time, i walked into a church. i liked it, the ambience is really soothing and everybody prays together.I loved the interior of the church. The church's name is St francis xavier church located at 63a Chartwell some distanced private housing area.I had to go there after work. wid vadi. due to some unavoidable reasons.. i had to go with costin and shan. Shan is my colleague and course mate.It was really nice getting to know costin..very nice gentle men. The church wedding was rather simple and sweet. Evelyn looked beautiful.she is my degree course mate.vadi came later. All the girls from my degree course came with their beaus. SHAN-COSTIN, JEAN-BOIFREN, VADI-ME and SHARON-FIANCE. i'm so sorry but i don't know the other girls better halves names! it was fun! i went on the bike to vadi's place! and we stopped at a traffic light.lolz. vadi told me that a lady from the car was smiling at me..i turned around and she smiled and showed a thumb up sign..kekeke..i whispered thank u and smiled gleeefully!lolx..
After that, went to vadi's house to have lunch..still hungry!keke!..gowri and gajalaskmhi were doing something..*secret* I dun wanna spoil the suspense!hahaha...i ate and sat down to watch a movie. I am not a MOVIE-PERSON! i do not believe in spending money to watch a movie..UNLESS its a real good show(my definition of a real good show would pretty much differ from urs!)!so i prefer to watch movies on television!lolx! that' s me i would say!
i'm so excited to blog about this. This was a sudden decision made by me and my dearest. We were sitting at home watching chennai 600028(tamil movie)..My whole family was asleep when i reached home!BORED..TIRED..WANTING TO DO SOMETHING..than jes asks vadi, if we would like to join them to head down to NIGHT sSAFARI.. sad to say, I HAVE NOT BEEN TO NIGHT SAFARI BEFORE.and i was ready to go! wearing my long sleeves(outfitters top)..lovin it!and my brown shorts and my boots!was drizzling!so i wore the raincoat jacket over..we reached night cooling the wind..WE decided to do teh walking trails..we saw many animals..otters,sugar glider,babirusa,bearded leopard,mouse deer,leopard,sloth bear,porcupines,chivets,bats(hated it),deers,lion,hyenas,indian alligators,wolves and my favourite the, MALAYAN TIGER!we reached the viewing place but we could not see anything..sad!..than something was moving among the trees..and than he started moving very fast towards the four of us where the 4 of us were! GOD, I SHREIKED!..he did that because his carekeeper was standing behind us!hahaha..and i was pretty amazed that he noticed his keeper from a distance. HIS NAME SHADOW..OR BAYANG.I think he looked so handsome..majestic and brave!..and then we took the suspension bridge..which dev kept jumping on to scare me!..and we decided to have ice cream at ben and jerry's! taping...laughing and simply having fun!oh ya i bought a sprite bottle which costed me 4 dollars!sheesh! but i was too thirsty!..i love it when i end my night with the 3 most loved people in my life!devan can be recurited for animal sounds people!hahaha...anyway, dev and jes took teh cab back..and when vadi wanted to start the bike, he realised his bike keys were with dev. they had to U-turn back!anyway...I MISS GOING OUT WITH THESE 3 CRAZY CULTURED CUDOOOS!kisses to jes n can take it from jes!kekeke!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Get Your Own Music Player at Music Plugin
Monday, July 16, 2007
So many things have happened already.and now i'm going to blog about it. I had a great week last week. Shopping with Jes and devan on tuesday. Bought myself grey skinny jeans!SO NICE
(if u go to bugis street market, do go to Victoria at the second level, gd price and service)...than suspenders and a shirt from outfitters!all on sale!We had dinner at

Pastamania. and
on wedndesday i had meeting with the bajan mates. and we had a feast. I BOUGHT roti john from chong pang market hawker center! IT'S very delicious. it has mutton stuffed in it. Jes bought fried rice and Suba bought barbacuqued chicken. Felt so sleepy after eating.
I cancelled my tuition again on thursday. I went out with vadi's family. We went for dinner at a indian-chinese fusion restuarant.The interior looked very was RnB. The food was good and the ice cream was sumptious. I had a little as i had heavy lunch and after dinner, me and vadi headed down to ravi anna's place to give durga's present to her. The kids were still vibrant as always. Sabrish was all over vadi. they love him. simply becoause he never scolds them and always plays with them. Durga tried on her gift and she looked "oh-so-good"..she did some modelling.hahahaha..went home and slept like a pig..

Friday, i had tuition and vadi picked me up. We went to malay hawker shop near sembawang..and ate malay was medicore.this whole week i hav been eating and sleeping..LAZY!getting fatter!argh!
Saturday, i had work the whole wen to krishanan uncle's 16th wid vadi in the car. i went shopping alone in BUGIS.i went outfitters again and this time i was lucky enough to get green shorts and a sexy top!haha..i tried them on! super duper nice!so DURGA DEVI SIVAJI!can't wait to club so i can wear the top.kekekeke.and dad picked me from bugis. family-ily,we went to RAMU'S CURRY! Uncle ramu is dad's friend and a great rider!...I have always loved eating his food..see..eating again!"even fatter" came home showed muthu and vadi , the youtube video of optimus prime getting prostrate cancer..laughing like crazy! midnight.the boys hogged on the playstation till 3 in the morning, i was asleep by then...
Sunday, i worked..god kids class killing me. A child vomitted on my hands! SHEEESH! i washed my hands for umpteen times and the stench was tsill there...YUCK!..went over to vadi's for lunch..dum bee hoon briyani! was realli good. i had two servings(lol)...and than i waited for him to shower and was showing gowri the video..spreading the message! and than we headed home..i took my bath and waited to meet my sistas for a MOVIE!..harry potter and the order of the phoneix at AMK HUB!I changed for so many times..before deciding on wearing my skinny jeans! They are super tight. I need to season them! i met them. HEMA, NANDHINI and JES!..we watched the movie...and there was an idiotic chinese girl in front of me speaking so loudly, I DO NOT TOLERATE ALL THIS NONSENSE!so i said "shhhhh"! hema, jes and nandhini started giggling very loudly..i cannot stand people who irritate me..and i make sure i do not behave in that way. We walked around the shopping centre and looked for a place to eat.The BABY room is really very cool, there are room with sliding doors for breast feeding. I took photos but they turned out very funny!i bought a belt with my initial "D" and jes a crown! we went "new york new york"..they said their last order was 10.00 p.m. and we could still place our orders.I was appalled by the service.Our table was set, with all the cutlery in a clutter. "HELP YOURSELF"!ok, never mind. The staffs were having a misunderstanding, like whatever, its none of my business but be nice to your customers. The manager came up to me at 10.40 and said, we actually close at 10.30 but you can take your own sweet time to eat. I WAS LIKE WAT THE F?! he tested my patience far too much! so as i was leaving, i had to speak with him. i told him how i was shocked by the kind of service and i would have got a better service at macdonald's or somewhere i felt it was sacarstic of him to speak like that to me..If the restuarant closes at 10.30 tell the customer and than i will think and decide if i can eat by 10.30 and leave!god!, drama mamas..sorry but when i pay for service charge, i expect to get it..IT'S NOT FAIR!and than we took the train back home..from yishun we took a cab back home! Jes shared a cab with hema and nandhini. I took a cab back home...TIREDDDDD!!!...done! at last!

i'm somewhere else and doing this...shhh!..secret!hahahaha..there are alot of happenings in my life...since the last update. shopping bonanza...going wid JD!..dinner with my with my sisters..lots and lots more!anyway, i'm just too busy or simple too lazy to update my blog at times.!but i'm sure it wil survive!kekekekekekekeke!!tonite i'll update ! so look out!
Saturday, July 07, 2007
MONDAY!!register for licence...COOL! CANNOT WAIT!...working all day today! I HAVE WORKED 7 DAYS THIS WEEK!god help me! my battery is dying!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
pictures....I love visual!...i'm in love with my new helemt!wHITE!...Yesterday , I HAD WORk!and than vadi had to attend a LAME meeting with AVGMT youth wing!!..god, my blood boiled!..someone catergorising gods!..telling us how to follow their pratice! DEFINITELY SHIT!crap! i had to show my colours to that owl-looking ugly bugger!he rejected our goddess song saying that she is guarding god(SO WHAT IDIOT!) AND OUR vinayagar song saying that it is devotional song(so sad, you don't even know how to appreciate diff. kinds of music)..I SPOKE UP IN A SACARSTIC WAY...N I DIDN'T GIF A SHIT TO WHAT THE OTHERS THOUGHT OF ME! because what he was doing was FORCING people to follow his rules(so called practices)!!..saying things..that we should be thought that from young what are bajan songs?! LISTEN UP JERK!..our GUrus were never wrong! they had an open mind...not like you! SO NARROW MINDED!and I AM NOT GOING FOR A MASS BAJAN OF A GROUP WHO THINKS ONLY CERTAIN GODS PRAISES SHOULD BE SANG!... and i don't wanna see these girls all clad in white!...i met them in the queenstown mass bajan! and WHITE OUTSIDE..BLACK INSIDE!..not interested to spoil my day!...done! letting of the anger!I'M SO PISSED WITH THE GROUP!jes, can we strike them off our name list!..hahahaha..if anyone from the group happens to pounce on my blogspot..PLS FEEL FREE TO TAG ME!thanks!
My bf knew i was we left early!and we wENT TO AMK HUB!walking around and GUES WHO I SAW!my darling shalz with her mum and sis!I hugged her!God! i miss her so much!time does not permit us to meet as much as often. but gal, u're always on my mind!and than we ate at new york new york!YUMMY! i had mango MAGARITA..(jus because i drink does not mean i ain't a good gal!,I HAVE MY PRINCIPLES which i stick to)...i really hate it when people go, YOU DRINK?! why did i tell you i slept with your boyfren?!...I drink alcohol..because i like the tasTe and my dad is fine with those who have the mentality that girls who drink and club are SLUTS and are not decent!PLS CHANGE IT!sometimes, these girls are the real VIRGINS!I had to write this because someone pissed me off by saying.."girls, who drink and club are better passsed off as BITCHES"..i LOOKED at her, ok stared and went, oh, really?!SO SAD that you're TYPICAL!..and she looked away...tsk!tsk!..coming back to the topic!
WE had dessert,chocolate ice cream,waffle!and than we went lower seletar reservoir!so windy!we actualli saw the moon rise!..reflection on the water..ROMANTIC!...ya..I MISS HIM ALOTS!we wanted to take a pic with our we had to use my funny..done!
I'M DONE putting my thoughts down!ANYTHING TAG ME!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Today, i had picnic with my two dearest..lina and evon at the park. Bought McSpicy burger meal and met lina and evon at the park. was damn nice..trees shading and nice wind..loved it!..some pics
i took.!
AND that girl is CLAIRE!my korean sweetilicious babygal!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Frizzy friday!
I wanted to go bugis to spend my birthday vouchers!!but i did not wanna go alone..Jes was busy! sara had returned from BMT!i asked nithya, she said she was busy with spring cleaning! Uma was on for it! SO i decided to chill out with her! Its been years since we went out together!..It was so fun! we had dinner at Pastamania..!DID some serious bitching and i was updatin her about my life and how it has been...n she did it too..she's so funny,funky and fantastic!after dinner, went down to look around! Since it was the last friday of the month, shops at bugis are open till midnight. WE WALKED AROUND!...mostly talking! queued up for CANDY FLOSS!pinkilicious candy floss!..hahaha..window shoppin..i bought myself a RAINBOW COLORED TOP!and some chains!I'M INTO CHAINS NOW!bling bling ones! i love fashion!hahaha..i loved the night with her...the both of us were missing NITZ lots tho! we wished you were there with us babe!..kekekeke! i wanna hang out with all the three of them! SHALZ(MIA for so long), nitzy and umzy darlz...soon ok?!had mcflurry and headed back home! i did n't go home...i went to AMK to meet my dearest.I haven't seen hime for 3 days. and he was awake, it felt rejuvenating to be in his arms..he looked so weak and tired!but he was getting better. Took a cab back home!

sad saturday!
I was upset! we had lost one of the uncles we truly treasured!..Hougang krishnan uncle...i will miss him lots! his loving words and his support for us!..I had work the whole day!gosh! was so tired!..after work, rushed to go for emergent-bajan..they called last minute and needed a bajan group...since i did not go for the morning bajans, i went for the night bajans!fun!small durga singing!..i was just recovering and my voice was cracking(emrassing)..but we enjoyed the bajans! AFTER bajans, we went to anna's place and dinesh changed. ME, pranta, gaya and nesh went for the funeral at night as I was working the next day..i had no time!and i had to pay my respects!so guna anna met us there! As soon as i entered the house, sadness engulfed my heart!my heart was aching to cry but i know emotions are better handled when controlled. SAT DOWN!, though about moments when i had conversations with him and how he treated the group as his children...tears flowed down...I WILL MISS HIM LOTS and HIS HOUSE BAJANS! and at the midnite was my MAM'Z birthday!HE was not in the mood but how can I ignore ryte?! I wished him!...he was not really happy but its not his fault! was emotionally down for me to see him like that on his birthday!..anyway mamz, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!..LOVING
sane sunday!
i had to go to work for half day...after that, my better half came to pick me up from work! I am taking a ride on his bike again after a week!I loved the ride!hahaha..i was wearing my new top,leggings and chain!oh ya, and my white shoes!..crazily durga devi!...WENT for lunch at my in-laws! was good, sitting at the same table and having lunch!hahaha..i never thought i would do that with my boyfriend's family!..after that, i had to email my lecturer about my assignments so had to hog on their computer..ANyway gowri is very giving-in..she does not complain much...hahaha..and vadi came, we left for i can finish my shopping! was so stress-relieving...Later at 7, i had a movie date with EARNIE!my earthangel!..simply becos she cares too much for the earth!hahaha..vadi dropped me at cineleisure...waited for her..had dinner at pastamania..TRIED
UMA'S RECOMMENDATION chicken sausage spaghetti and
GOWRI'S RECOMMENDATION italian flavour mango! was good!..went for the movie! DAMN GOOD! were mind blowing!I love
BUMBLEBEE! SO CUTE! anyway i did some cam-whoring with my angel..hahaha photos on multiply!TRANSFORMERS TRULY TROCKS!
this post was long overdue!...2 WEEKS! my celebration was on the 23rd of
june held at club 52...ORGANIZER
JES!i was
lokkin 4ward to it...until i fell ill on the week! I FELT AS IF I WAS FIGHTING
wid the illness! On the early morning of my
b'day, i
vomitted..had gastric..felt like SHIT!...i had to go to work next day! cam home n slept! I WOKE UP LATE!n yearned for
briyani!my bro got me
briyani!..I NEEDED FUEL!i have not ate anything yummy for 3 days!..can die!...than sangs came applied make up...mum went to the salon to get hair done! nice!than MA uncle came with his limo to fetch me!! was really sweet! and than i greeted my guests!
GUG khakis and
vadi's family were already
OH NOT FORGETTING, MY SECOND FAMILY!dad looked awesome in his suit and
muthu took my breath away!
vadi looked so good
wid his "
harvard uni student" LOOK!...
gaya and
jes were so so retro!I HAD a very nice entrance with comedy done by
muthu and
vadi..its so funny!
I had my speech...which was interrupted with claps..all the time!ANNOYING!...muthu gave his four word made me tear with his speech! and i was greeted at the door by 2 drop-dead gorgeous looking laydees, UMA AND NITZ!i hugged nitz wen i saw her...n i could not help but i teared!it made me felt like 16 year old again..jus being around with them!THANKS FOR COMING !i loved the music...ambiance ..people present! and than after my cake cutting,champagne popping and the famous YAM SENG!... i was in for a surprise...
MA SECOND FAMILY PERFORMED FOR ME....hahaha..i was screaming my heads off(fever hitting back but i couldn't care less) was so so good...SIMPLE AND NICE! they made me feel like a little princess! co-ordinated..and to think some people actually performed made me tear!!seeing my dearest MAMZ!..GUNA ANNA!!.. i cried again!..kekekeke!!I LOVE THIS GUYS TO THE CORE..EXTREME CORE!
dancing my heads off wid umzy and nitzyy!..i have Neva been on the dance floor wid them!hahaha..i was glad to see people having fun!..did some catching up with my 2 fine Ladies...GOSH I MISS THEM!and than they left, and all hell broke loose when vadi's mum left!..kakakakaka..
we danced like crazy..
wid my little
durgashinni was so adorably cute!!!...its been so long since i danced on the dance floor
wid family!...felt great dancing with 1 of my favourite mama,
hema's dad! he always brought excitement into family gatherings!...There are some things, I would not dare say or do in front of my uncles..simply because, I LOVE AND RESPECT THEM TOO MUCH to lose them!
hahaha...i had a helluva good times!ADI was so cute!..i miss HAVING my whole family together, my 2 fine ladies and everyone who was there!..A BIG THANKS FOR COMING!