Sunday, June 17, 2007
people...i'm jus goin to put up photos..becos i 'm so lazzzzy to type! ANYWAY,i 've got my birthday
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
SORRY PEEPS..been busy with stufff!!work, assignments, assignments,asssignments... did i say assignments?!i have wonderful experiences, views and adventures to share! BUT I'M JUS TOOO TOO SLEEPY NOW!UPDATE TOMORO!anyway i have tuition tomoro!hahaha..can't wait to see my shy tutee(so cute)..
CONFESSION:i am so wishing that i will pass this module, cos my ASSIGNMENT sucks!..argggghhhh!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Monday, June 04, 2007
The first dance was a terrible mistake!!IT WAS SO FULL OF EVIL!..It was too messy..God i wish i didn't see the dance. I apreciate all kinds of dances but.. i do not know..i jus felt un comfortable seeing the dance...Negative energy!..SHEESH!after that, was another acapbella.The guy was good but the girl could not keep up to the guy's pitch!..Aarathiz..was SO SO.they are good but they need to improve on their co-ordination!..another acapbella, this time 2 sisters. Simply marvellous..Voices so powerful and beautiful!god, i wished to hear them sing all night long!..EMCEES Were VERY VERY GOOD!dramas were very nice to watch!Tranzwave were very good!!I loved their dance.!hahaha. so nice with a bit of!the last acapbella group was very soothing!..I liked them lots!nickeash and killer beez were good!...RESULTS WERE ANNOUCED!...MY HEART WAS THUMPING HEAVILY!third prize goes to..UYIR THULI SANGAMAM..MY BROS AND MY BF!I LOVE YOU TO BITS!After that, i had to do some cam-whoring.wid sangee's camera!we took the bus 2 boon lay interchange and than a cab from there to CHONG PANG NASI LEMAK!,DINNER and went into slumber land!
Saturday, June 02, 2007
I am going to go JB in a hours time but i still have to note down my memories at NTU MOKSHA! 10 dollars, and worth all your money!.WITH Yogi B and Natchatraz(DJ BEN-MY FAV. becos he looks like my uncle hahahaha).ENTERTAINING HOSTS(made my tummy ache from laughing).Great dances(nalini, Gd job babe!).SUPERB DUPER COMPETITION. My brothers and boyfriend were taking part in the singing(acapbella) competition!I couldn't wait.
The nite before, the four of them practising singing and us,CHOKRIZ came up with steps to accompany their songs..Positioning, Shaking and co-ordinating. It was so fun..laughing and perfecting till 3 in the morning!We just hoped they enjoyed and had fun!I WAS EXCITED! I had work and school the next day..tiring man! My colleagues saw my new hairstyle..and went BABE!, U LOOK LIKE A 21-YEAR OLD..NOW!hahahaha..Earnie saw me as i was leaving n she called me the girl who fell down from the retro era.hahaha.I LOVE HER!
school was fine..boring!..My lecturer looks like SANTA CLAUS!I had to rush down to take a cab to get to NTU! came to my turn, and someone else just cut the queue..i was so PISSED!and i got a taxi driver who did not know the way! He wanted me to drop down along the expressway!ARGH!!..
BAD MOOD!!!..CALLED my dad to check and he gave the way..STUPID TAXI DRIVER!..i reached there! n saw pravin's FAMILY!I MET SANGS,SURI AND SANGS'S PARENTS there. Muthu was waiting with us. Sujesh, paranthaman,rajes,devan and sara joined in later..we went in the auditorium..n my eyes were searching for our people...than i saw guna anna shiny NEETHI(fore head) and sat in the row with them..hahaha...I flipped through the magazine, and saw the collage done by me and write-up done by JES!..were boasting our talents to each other...hahaha!checking out the other groups and looking out for familiar faces!WE COULD NOT WAIT FOR THE SHOW TO START.!i liked the madhura jilla song!..SHASTRI WAS GOOD( but I'm not into heavy i found it quite piercing to my ears..owwww)
Than they annouced..UYIR THULI SANGAMAM(n i had to shout "rock on")...the whole group was screming and whistling!the guys melted us with their and voices! I was so so proud of them!...Clapping and supporting with all our hearts!god, when pravin did the sliding step(it was spontaneous), he just won all our hearts...they did their best and everyone in the auditorium loved it!hahaha..i have to go now..get ready for SASTHA PILLAIGAL'S DEBUT IN JB..will update more..jus some pics b4 i wen to the show!
CONFEESION: i never knew yellow suited me so well till i wore this top.Lovin the top and the art on it!
Friday, June 01, 2007
I dyed my hair on thursday: D.I.Y..lo

real dark plu..done by muthu!

CONFESSION: I am Loving my new hairstylE!SO ME!