Tuesday, May 29, 2007
hahaha..today i had a shopping spree with my dearest. we went to bugis. He is going for reservist and i'm going to be so alone!..i bought lots and lots of stuff. The day before, I went to vivo and bought a dress from topshop.Its been so long since i shopped in that label.Simple black dress with lovely puffs.I love it. Wearing it today for the dinner with my bosses and dancing with my colleagues at ST.James. Can't wait!
Oh yes, let me come back to track. I went shopping. I bought 2 bling bling chains(a Crown and a key), 3 super nice earrings(crown,dollar sign and floral),bought make up stuff(mascara,moisturiser,lip gloss,perfume,body cream(CARAMEL) and eye- make up remover)- I recommend OTTIE eye and lip make up remover, its really very good. I bought a retro looking top from dorothy perkins,SOmE KNICKERS(i so love topshop knickers-funky yet comfortable) and at last, my most desired SHORTS!HE GOT ME SOMETHING TOO..a watch wid two kitty cats!so nice!...i came home..showed my bro what i bought. He likes looking into my shopping bags. I wanted to take a pic so u guys can see what i am actually talking about! ANYWAY,GO BUGIS NOW,SALE IS REALLY GOOD!
wE HAD dinner at the cafe on the 2nd floor.FOOD was good!...i can't wait to register for my license!..kekeke!
the pics!.jpg)
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Friday was usual..busy busy!..after my first nursery class, i had to finish up my lesson plans.Prep for class.and lots of other tiny bits!.i looked shacked at the end of the day!hahahaha..we had some lame fire talk and my colleagues as usual.teasing the poor guy.me AND khaireen made palns to go sim lim square..I wanted to check out the digital cameras..n then we called the rest.Earnie came along.Yani came along.N we went to BUGIS to makan.I AM SO BROKE!.but mum helped me transfer money..haha!
WE ate at the bugis street hawker.I had roasted chicken rice..YUM yum!n den we wen walking through bugis street market.window shopping!i'm gonna get some chains!n den.Yani spotted some candy floss.kekekeke *wicked* and its for free.yani queued and then we joined her. that guy who was the "candy man" was being disturbed by us. YANI.WAS saying.she wants the candy floss from his hands.and then we teased him with the candy man song- an old 80's song...HAHAHAHA..n than we did some cam-whoring!even called a shop assitant to snap pictures. We went down to get free popcorn!kekekeke!...yani laughed and said "who needs money to be happy?"..and we echoed.."NOT US"!..kekeke
Slacked outside burger king..drinking water.cracking jokes. and CAM- WHORING again!I LOVE MY GURLIES LOTS LOTS!!..*chuckles*..

CONFESSION: i want a new mobile. would love the O2 XDA STEALTH!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Its been so long since i saw my favourite bitch, my best friend!...She is a very very busy nurse!..2day, i wen over to her place to watch the movie, Jangan pandang blankang..But we did not go beyond 15 mins of the movie..because all i did was shut my eyes tight and cover my ears. Jes said" switch it off" she's not going to see at all.And ya.. i was forcing them to switch it off!..and than jes had to leave.. her dad was coming to pick her!I ate at suba's place. Talked w it her about taking my licence, she was encouraging me.SHE'S IN PRACTICAL 5!.i may go wid her for practicals!..ANYWAY, i can't wait to be in control of a bike!..VROOM VROOM!!i loved talking with her, my birthday, our gals' nite out and dancing again!!hahaha..I MISS DANCING!ANYWAY THANKS DEVAN MAMZ!,4 SENDING ME HOME! SO NICE!
CONFESSION: I wish i can sleep all day and work in my dreams...lolx!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
It was a family day out. We went to amk hub to do some window shopping and have dinner. The place is so so crowded. so we decided to have dinner at another coffeshop at ANG MO KIO.!i took some pics wid my evil tWin,MUMMY!hahaha
I went out at night wid jes ziza and her friend,siti!IT WAS A GIRLS ONLY AFFAIR!..Waited for jes to come over and than too ka cab to clarke quay. We wanted to go Desire which is now "Jewel" but we needed to go to boat quay for that. We are still babies to this clubbing scene!So we waited for Ziza 2 come over. We decided to chill at o'bar but Dere was no space! so we went to dblO to have drinks.me and jes had
strawberry magarita. Wen we went to the dance flOor at DblO. god, 80's song!and there was this guy who was dong dance steps as if he was translating the song for the deaf and dumb!GOD,SO FUNNY! they were playing electric dream..its an 80's song. I appreciate all kinds of music but it was just not that kind of music i want to dance to. So we decided to check out O'bar. O'bar and dblO are like sister club. you pay cover at one and you can enter two clubs. At o'bar it was RNB. so OUR kinda of thing.saw some unnesscary people. But i couldn't be bothered. was just burning the floor.Ziza and her friend were enjoying themselves.SO COOL!.I HAD FUN!so much of fun!
Jus because we drink,dance and have fun at nite,does not make us cheap so guysPLEASE STAY AWAY!...jpg)
CONFESSION: When i told my parents and boyfriend, i was going out. They did not fuss or argue with me instead, trusted me and wanted me to be fine. I love them and will never abuse the freedom i get ! Anyway, my mum plaited my hair!!..so nice!
On friday, i went out with the Reens..Khaireen and Ereen!..it was so fun..After work, we went to yishun. To have TEH TARIK. Along the road where chong pang nasi lemak is, It was so funny! i kept on laughing..and laughing. After buying parata for them, the meal was on me!and then we took a bus to WOODLANDS..because there is a pasar malam there!..hahaha..we went walking around.and than khaireen's hubby,salihin joined us!we bought drinks because we were tired from LAUGHING. Now the malay-in movie is JANGAN PADANG BLAKANG!...so the vcd shops were playing it...KHAIREEN HAS seen the movie..so she called me and ereen to see one of the scences. The door would be shaking and when the hero opens the door, there will be NOONE!THE phone will ring...he will go down to answer. When he answers, the ghost will be goin.."aaaahhh" over again..Ereen will see a black lining on the ceiling so she asked"is that the ghost". As me and ereen focused, the guy turned and the ghost was standing dere! It was a shock for us..so me and ereen screamed...AARGGGGHHHH!everyone in the pasar malam looked at us!shhheshhh!...WE BOUGHT STICKERS!i enjoyed the nite. did some photo shoot towards the end!..
CONFESSION: i LIKED THE BAGS...too bad...anything after the 26th!.jpg)
Thursday, May 17, 2007
GUESS WHAT!!i'm getting a
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
MY ADDICTION NOW AND 4EVER...i will soon be riding..in this!
CONFESSION: I can't even ride a bicycle..soon i will!
I did not go to work today. I am having this sinus problem.When i bend down, i feel a sudden pain near my cheekbones.The doctor said it has to do with sinus. INFECTION OF THE BONE!..i was like,my god, is it very serious?. He asked me to go for the x-ray and if it is really bad, i have to go for surgery. I looked at the doc and went, sorry but can i try out the antibiotics first. I just joined my new workplace and i do not want to go for a long leave. The doctor was pissed. He even wrote down in my records that i refused X-RAY!..AIYAH! after that, flagged a cab and headed down to vadiveilan's crib!
Gowri was leaving her house(LIKE UR PLAITED HAIR-DO)..!and my dearest was still hibernating!I went to wake him up.HE woke up..we kissed eeach other good morning!kekeke..had coffee and did some shit-chat. I asked him about his mum. She has not been feeling well and told him my colleague also had the problem but she will get better. He was quiet for a while. And then he cried...I WAS DUMB-FOUNDED. i hugged him and said it is ok and everything will get better. He asked me am i good son? I did not ask her if she is better now? How can I not take the effort to know? Devi, all I want is my mum to be the happiest in the world, will it ever happen?...BY now, i had tears nearing my eyes. I have known how much he loves his mother and could understand why he was upset. The next moment i know, he smses her and asks her if she is feeling good. and she called him right away!..hahaha..loves dis family lots
To cheer him up, i showed him a video. A video done by his cousins and sister. And of cos, he was laughing like crazy!..its so funny go take a look!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
SIVAJI- the girl with happiness covered with droplets of love.
I LOVE WITH ALL MY HEART. When i love , i tend to love with my all. Some may say it is bad AND others that is good. I believe that when i love with all my heart, i get more happiness from the relationship. I have matured. i do not bear grudges with anyone once i have settled my issues with them. I believe there is always another chance in working things out. I have learnt that it is alright to have squabbles. When you feel the distance, you tend to yearn for the love more. I have learnt when you cry, you learn the value of the relationship.The value..IRREPLACEABLE! I hav learnt when your loved ones make mistakes, you must know how to clean the slate and start over. I have learnt that when you fall, your loved ones are there to hold on to you.I have learnt when you have fun, never take them for granted. I have learnt when hugs are given,embrace it with sincerity. I have learnt when times are bad, understanding each other is essential. I have learnt when fights break out, attitude and arrogrance must take the back seat. I have learnt when your loved ones are mad, some giving in would not hurt. I have learnt not to misuse my love ones for selfish reasons. I have learnt when i love i must love with all my heart.if not for all my loves , i would not have learnt how to love with all my heart.*SHOUTS* i dedicate this post to my loves and those who have my name under your loves.kekekeke. LOVE and be loved!
Monday, May 14, 2007
i'm actually very bored..nothing to do..I HAVE MY ASSIGNMENTS BUT CANNOT SEEM 2 WORK ON IT NOW!missing my boyfren!was jus filled wid hid thoughts today..OK PEOPLE, it is gonna be a very MUSHY entry now!...I jus wanted him 2 be there with me!..dun know..jus missed him! nothin much today! I CLEANED UP MY CLASSROOM...reallli clean!..now it looks so presentable! I hav been working alone because my colleague's father-in-law passed away..so ya, she's away on compassionate leave!..i had 2 handle the class on my own!which is not so bad now!After werk, i headed home, took the bus!..n slept the whole journey!...i was headin home wen jes smsed to meet up 4 dinner..but i wasn't hungry and i was home..I FELT LAZY!Devan n jes came back to 418(coffeshop near my place) to ease their hunger pangs.I MET THEM WEN THEY WERE FINISHING!..guess wat! i actually had a soya bean waiting 4 me..SPOILT!...n than Ravi anna joined us..toked!ME DISTRACTED BY HIS THOUGHTS,SMSING HIM!...n den i had a call from moksha commitee asking 4 the group photo. So i tried paran but he was busy and Sara does not liek doing last minute work. SO I DID MY

Sunday, May 13, 2007
I am so interested in baking now. I asked jes if she wanted to bake for all the mothers 4 the dinner on sunday(mother's day dinner-maternal side).AND SHE SAID YES!!..excited bought stuff from sembawang and Devan mamz..was also influenced by the baking talking..he baked for his mum!!!...we borrowed movies..THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA!..baked the strawberry muffin till perfection(2 tries)..spreaded the icing...n went home 2 sleppp at 1 a.m...next afternoon..i had 2 go 2 werk, to cover earnie..AFTER WERK, I WENT back to jes's house 4 the finishing touches..N me n jes decided to do a side business...baking and we're callin it.."SWEET DESIRE".
our first desire.."sparkles"-cup cakes wid strawberry filling and icing.
LAYDEES BEHIND "SPARKLES"..babe we look gd without make-up!
this week has been rather hetic. everyone at werk hav been fallin ill. And I have been covering their places.TIRED!.Thursday, Evon was on medical leave. I had to do class wid AIDA. i have neva werked wid her and thought I will not be able to.but IT WAS SO FUN!and guess wat she asked me, devi what you doing for mother's day?!..I went like no idea. She looked at me, her eyes glittering with joy and asked if i wanted to bake a cake. A cake with frosting,icing,and decoration. I was really excited and could not WAIT!WE made plans, friday at her place after work. On friday, i was so excited. I wen around tellin everyone. HAHAHAHA!..went down with AIDA to cold storage.GOt the stuff. wen to do my last class. AND aida and i decided while it bakes we are going to have a karoke session and i was going 2 help her dye her hair.and i heard we are going to have some company!!KHAIREEN,EREEN AND SHU HUI were going to join us!it was a funny MRT trip to bishan. Aida did not cook so we had to buy back diNNER(i didn't becos i had made plans to meet hIM)..
We reached her place..her place is so big and nice and she lives alone..she has her own changing room!!...SLACKED AWHILE.and than she helped me bake..She was like my mentor..telling me what to do. AND watched the break-up (til EREEN teared)..and den cake was baked by than..time to put the frosting(1st layer)...AND THEN WE WERE SINGING KAROKE..so so fun!shu hui( mandarin teacher was so fun to be with...and than we starting creating music videos..(nuts)..it was 10.45..vadi called me but my cake was not done yet...Vadi came up after he was convinced that khaireen's hubby was coming along. And than i was adding the words alrady...had to put in the fridge..and added the icing...
I could not take the cake back becos i had no box..so vadi siad he will help me pick it up the next day..by the time , i went home it was 1.00 am..DAD AND BRO WERE WAITING 4 ME...but my dad knew where i was..i always make it a point to let hIm know...becos i dun wan him to worry!..wen chong pang nasi lemak wid him..and home!!
wHAT i needed
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
i had 3 classes today..I need2 relax my mind.Talking is one of the way. NOW blogging is one way i de-stress, talk and learn more about myself when i express myself. DIS week has been quite ravishing! MON, OUT WID JD!..its been so long i hanged out wid dem!..TUE, OUT WID MY LOVEY DOVE!..ITS been so long since we went out..
JUS THE 2 OF US!not that i do not like company but sometimes, I JUS NEED SOME PERSONAL TIME!..WED-3 classes 4 the whole day!..but I LOVED EVERY CLASS.!(tho i was shacked)...i missed my nursery kids tho!(i had to cover 4 a colleague whu was on MC)..ok before you people go wondering...wat is she talking about?!IN GUG(ma current werking place), they run enrichment classes 4 babies as old as 8 months to kids aged 3 years.Certain age group in a CERTAIN CLASS.they also have the kindergarten programme for kids aged 4 to 6.!i teach the kindergarten side in the mornings!!MY ADORABLE nURSERY KIDS!On mondays and fridays,i also teach the kids class.TUE and Thurs, i have a babes class.(my babies are so adorable).wednesdays, i have 2 Kids class.Each seeion 4 the babe is 1.5 hours and kids 2.5 hours. MA nursery also lasts for 2.5 hours.!BUt the fun part, you have a partner working with u and its so fun! FOR THE BABES AND TODDLERS, ONE PARENT WILL ACCOMPANY THE CHILD!so its realli nice!..I LIKE WORKIN HERE!..
Today, something happened at work. I have a kids class at 12.30. an hour later, my nursery class finishes. I went 4 lucnh with my dearies LINA and EVON.I gobbled down my lunch.AS I DO THIS CLASS ON WEDNESDAY ONLY now because of the reshuffling of teachers. I love and adore every1 becos i am happy to see some crying kids before, walking confidently into the classroom doors and hugging me with a smile.(DO i SOUND LIKE A MOTHER..HAHAHA)..i rushed to receive the kids at the classroom door.it was JUS ME and LIna today.NORA WAS on mc!so we have a number of new children. AND in this class, parents
CANNOT STAY IN..so u can imagine the children SCREAMING FOR THEIR PARENTS!..but once they are settled down, class is such a blissful place!so we have a
SWEETHEART!. Sweetheart is very sticky to mummy and would wail and scream when mum leaves her. its not easy trying to console, and she does not you give the tineey weeny bit of chance of explaining. SO I had to handle her today because we had another crying child and Lina had to attend to him.
As i tried consoling her, she started to struggle in my arms, i held on. A SUDDEN BRAINWAVE HIT ME AT THE BACK OF MY HEAD!
WHAT AM I DOING? WOULD I WAN A TEACHER TO TREAT MY CHILD THIS WAY? i released my grip on her and let her be. SHE screamed in my ears,wailed on and on..I TOLD MYSELF,
I HAVE TO TREAT HER LIKE MY OWN! I PATIENTLY spoke to her, she shoved,kicked and even bit me. I just would not gif up in making her feel fine. HER MUM WAS OUTSIDE AND SHE COULD HEAR HER.which mum's heart wouldn't ache!my fortitude paid off in the end . AFTER some time, when they had to do their work. she sat on my lap.she took what was required by herself.she played with the slime.SMILED AND PLAYED WTH ME AND the rest!..MUMMY WAS SO HAPPY 2 C HER!she could even wave at goodbye 2 Mummy before going for Music class. I WAS HAPPY THAT SHE FELT SAFE in the class.
confessions: I BOUGHT A GREY..STYLISH BERMUDAS from bugis on monday AND i wore it to wprk today and MY COLLEAGUES SAID I LOOKED SEXY IN IT...HAHAHA!I WAS IN CLOUD 9!KEKEKE! .jpg)
Sunday, May 06, 2007
i so wanna update abt the couple nite, we had. but i promised myself that i will only do it with photos. I'M WAITING FOR JES 2 PASS IT 2 ME.she's been busy, burning the midnite oil for her assignments.!
on saturdays, i have my own class. which is the early reading and writing class. my kids hav been wid me for a month and they are starting to open themselves up to me!!..let me see if i can recall all deir names. WE HAVE
NADZIRAH! THE KIDS sat at different tables to do work. After doing the reading wif me, they have a alphabet booklet to finish and colour. ALL WENT SMOOTH TILL THE COLOURING PART!...
BOY picked up baby blue. GIRL shouted, hey its a girl's colour.
BOY puts it down and picks up a yellow. GIRL SHOUTS AGAIN!.
BOY looks and retorts " hey, there is no such thing as boy or girl colour!". GIRL LOOKS BACK AT HIM AND SAYS..YES!, U JUS DUN KNOW!.
BOY mutters " all the colours are for everybody, that's wat mummy said."GIRL whu is now very irritated,"do you have pink shirts?,no! becos u boy, u dun wear that colour".
BOY whu is now as hot as a kettle, " U HAV SHORT HAIR, DOES DAT MAKE U A BOY?"..CLASSROOM IN SILENCE!..GIRL LOOKS AWAY.BOY SMILES. end of conversation.
I had my reasons for not interrupting the conversation.
1. I wanted to know which were the "boy" or "girl" labelled colours.
2.I wanted to see their communication skils. which is excellent for 4 year olds!
3. I BELIEVE, children must learn the skill of settling things themselves at times but not until, one decides to plunge his/her teeth into the soft skin of the fren's.
We, adults tend to label colours to gender. PINK DRESS. BLUE SHIRT....would it make a difference if we were to wrap the male babies in pink and female in blue?. WOULD WE STILL SAY PINK IS FOR GIRLS AND BLUE IS FOR BOYS!?!..go wonder and tag me on ur opinions...me OPEN TO CRITICISM!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
I AM FEELIN RAVENOUS!!...i had a heavy lunch but i am still feeling as if my stomach lacks the fuel to munch on!Today before leaving for uncle house, muthu switched to VIJAY TV(an india channel provided by STARHUB). They were airing a drama. A SINGAPORE-MADE TAMIL DRAMA! i am
NOT that kind of person who woud be immersed in a drama and follow it every other week.This drama caught my attention because i did not see it locally being advertised or aired!..I AM NOT SURE but have any of you heard of this drama called, VIBARITHA VAPATHU(which means fatal accident). It started with images of a club scene( even vomitting in the toilet,GROSS!) and i only recognised it's a singapore-based drama after i saw the setting.
PERISH AWAY! i could not get to see the full drama because i was in a rush to be in time for my uncle house prayer. I liked the quality of the drama. It looked like some kind posh movie! I APPRECIATE THE FACT that
india media has given recognition to our local TALENTS!..
IF ANYONE KNOWS, if such a drama was ever aired on our local channel, PLS TAG ME. THANKS!