Monday, April 30, 2007
i have tried using the trial version of photoshop.
I AM FASCINATED about the tools and how you can CHANGE YOUR picture remarkably by just a few clicks!..
BUT..i'm just so blur with some of the tools! I tried doing a collage last night. I managed to get instructions from my dear bro,PARAN! He explained the tools and things i needed on the screen before i went about doing the collage! I was able to do it..but i didn't know how to save it.*argh*
BECOS OF MY IMPATIENCE, computer decided to take a break.
IT SWITCHED OFF BY ITSELF! I FELT SO FRUSTRATED! took me 2 hours to decide on the photos,work it out and when it came to the critical point, mY COMPUTER HAD TO LAPSE INTO COMA!! i slept with fury buried in my mind!...
I went 2 my uncle's place in woodlands to attend some prayers!~BAJANS~ WID MY LOVED ONES! i simply
LOVE SINGING bajans..IT relieves my stress and makes me realise how pious I am!hehehe...I do not visit my prayer room as often as I go out partying. I know it's sad! Everytime, i make plans to head to the temple or do a prayer, I always have something cropping up the last minute!. I HATE IT.!i believe i would soon realise the significance and values of this religion that i love being part of!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
I'M SUPPOSED 2 BE AT SCHOOL NOW...but i'm jus too lazy and tired to travel!..LAZYBUM!
I love work. It jus rejuvenates me and my whole aspects to life. I have a boy in MY SCIENCE PLAY class. He is 5 years old and loves to talk. He can talk about about anything and everything under the sun! HE'S VERY SMART! well, not that kids whu do not talk are not smart but the child must have confidence to express his/her ideas without having the fear of being put down. He never fears. When he says his ideas, he's so expressive, his hands keep moving!hahahaha..sadly, i only see him once a week and can only be with him for one and half hour!...he had done a drawing of 1 experiment!!he had drew the ball in an triangle shape and the pail in a hexagon pail. Well, i put a tick on the paper. When the mother came to pick him up, she waited for the rest to go home and she came into the classroom with him.
She did not seem happy. She asked me what is the project.I showed her the items we used. She asked her son, Why did u draw the ball and pail in shapes different from what you saw?! and she turned and asked me, Y didn't u correct him?!..I smiled and said, I APPRECIATE CHILDREN'S WORK, for me it does not have to be aestically pleasing. I believe in their own way of expression. The boy interuppted his mum in tears and asked her, IS IT WRONG TO BE CREATIVE?..she was shocked(so was i)...i did this way because i looked at the pail and the ball in a different way.I WANTED TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT FROM THE REST. mummy, adults get more pratical and less creative as they grow. I dun mind being different. I LIKE BEING ME!..HIs mum was dumb-founded and comforted her son with a hug. and she whispered slowly into his ears..I APPRECIATE U AND UR UNIQUENESS!.she smiled at me(TOOK DOWN MY NO.) and carried him out of my door. I had learnt a lesson dat day.
TO APPRECIATE OTHER'S WORK AND NEVA PUT ANYONE DOWN BECOS WE R ALL UNIQUE INDIVIDUAL. MY TEACHER WAS THE BOY WHO TAUGHT HIS MUM TO HAVE A OPEN MIND.*sms from the mum:tchr devi, sorry if i had been rude to u y'day.I have neva looked at his werk from ur point of view and was ignorant of his feelings until y'day.he's feelin beta now and can't wait 4 class next sat.take care! big thanks!AS A TEACHER, i learnt everyday how to teach better ,love and look at each child as god's best piece of creation. EVERY CHILD IN THEIR OWN WAY ARE OUTSTANDING AND GORGEOUS INDIVIDUALS WITH THEIR OWN STRENGHTS AND INTERESTS!
* THIS POST IS FOR TELLING EVERYONE TO APPRECIATE YOUR LOVED ONES! A POST, 2 SHOW MY APPRECIATION 2 MY LOVES 4 THEIR PATIENCE AND HIGH LEVEL OF TOLERANCE!friday was supposed 2 be full of laughter and happy memories..but i prefered 2 spoil everythin.!..i was pissed..upset n feelin verii DOWN..n didn't knw y?!..I DECIDED 2 remain silent n walk wondering what's bothering me?!...i went wid vadi 2 withdraw money..legs tired n me CONFUSED!...i jus wanted 2 go home...didn't wanna spoil any1's mood! vadi was convincing me, EVERYTHING'S FINE!..dun get worked up and upset..took a cab..n he said the destination!...we reached dere n i was still in zombie mood!...I JUS WANTED 2 CRY...but i couldn't..! den mutu walked by me and he said, i bought u earrings! if u're happy wid me, wear my earrings! ANGER BLINDED ME, i threw the earrings on the table...( mutu walked away...UPSET)..vadi picked the earrings up...I WAS UPSET could i?..KNOWIN MY a very sensitive person!..WE were queuing at O'bar when sangs suri joined us...but the boys couldn't enter as the age limit for males at O'bar was 25.kekekeke!
We took a cab to clarke quay and decided 2 head down to bumble bee. WALK AGAIN..i was jus moody...jes know me very welll..she didn't disturB me nor ask me wat was wrong..SHE JUS GAVE ME TIME TO COME 2 MY SENSES!( as i was writing dis, d lizard said "ch ch ch".JES , u knw wat it means)kekekeke...every1 walked ahead of US!..i walked wid my head down..beocs..tears were trickling down..n i couldn't seem 2 control them. he wrapped his arms around me..and i buried my head in his chest..CRIED AND CRIED..N CRIED...!He was consoling me tellin me its ok. I was fine and everybody dere knew me too well, to judge me based on dis incident.!I FELT BETTER.all the anger and sorrow jus disappeared.
We caught up wid the rest at the entrance of the club,bumblebee
!!(finally nt a tamilan club) and they were deciding what to buy..they decided to buy a bottle of JD.we sat at the VIP ARENA! and the dj wen annoucing its my bro's b'day n the rest were clappin and woooooin!..kekekeke..i had 2 make the 1 st move i grabbed my girlies n jumped on the dance floor with them...! DANCE FLOOR.. was bit too small.ANYWAY ME INTO DRESSES NOW! dis realli nice Tube dress from future state(sale!!)..kekekeke!..MUTHU WAS WASTED! DRUNK!..n sangs was tipsy!..suri was funny! COMPLAININ ABT HIS WIFE!..she was too sleepy!..N SHE KEPT LUFFING!!.too cute! JES DEV SARA AND GAYA left early. I had to hug jes and apologise( she loves muthu as much as i do, and i knew she was upset seeing the both of us DOWN)..LIKE A MOTHER,she patted me and brushed my hair..sayin it okies...I hAD TO HUG DEVAN MAMZ cos he was a very very UNDERSTANDING MAMZ! GUNA ANNA SURI ANNA KARTHIK MUTHU VADI SANGS AND ME...walked down to thasevi from clarke quay to have breakfast!..SANGS wanted macdonald's big breakfast at 3 am wid kopi si!..FUNNY!..n den muthu started to vomit...when muthu's drunk, HE TALKS ALOT N LOUD!..sangs couldn't walk anymore , she was practically sleeping on karthik..they had 2 go home!..they took a cab home!
We had breakfast at thasevi! guna ate. Muthu was havin headache..n he had 2 lie down!...we took a cab..n headed home..!..i dropped off MY SWEETHEART!..n den headed 2wards yishun..he was still not feelin too gd! was 5.00 am. The time, mum wakes up 4 work. If she saw muthu in that state, she will be very upset! i told him, he had to walk by himself and sleep in the room. Muthu was not steady!.HE nearly tripped and fell when walking down the stairs!THANK GOD! i held on! a good boy! he walked and slept!*knockout*...
I LOVED THE NITE..even tho i didn't hav much fun.IT made me realise how much my loved ones loved me. I WAS AND WILL NOT TAKE THEM FOR GRANTED!..i apologise 4 my silly behaviour. I would love to thank god...4 gifing me
kins like
a very important person whu believes in ME, VADIVEILA! 

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Wen i cried, Your hands wiped away my tears,Wen i feared, Your arms gave me THE most comfort,Wen i laughed, You joined in wid me jus to make me feel fine,Wen i had troubles, You came thru all of that with me,Wen i refused to change 4 the better,You refused to give up hope on me,Wen i hurt you every other time, You loved me more each time,Wen i made mistakes, You taught me how to pick myself up,Wen i wanted something, You would go thru all odds to do it 4 me,Wen i was selfish, You were willing to give in so that it would make me FEEL beta,Wen i sweared at you, You ignored me so that i would calm myself down,Wen i had issues, You were my listening ear and my mentor,Wen i had new relantionships, You made sure i feel good to be part of it,Wen i was stubborn, You simply looked at me and said " U AH?!",Wen i was your not-so-good SISTER, YOU WERE THE BEST BRO DAT ANYONE HAS EVA HAD!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR BRO, SOME1 WHU CAN NEVA EVA BE REPLACED IN MY LIFE!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

it was raining...!!i wanted 2 sleep!!..HE'S OFF N SLEEPIN HIS ASS OFF!...arghh!! i had 2 go 2 work..becos i hav reader writer today n i'm the only teacher 4 dat class! so so sad!but werk was so fun realli fun!!!..MY KIDS MAKE ME SMILE N LAUGH!!..i and tchr fairauz had 3 babies in class happy!..n den my reader writer! was good wid 8 children..i hav a new caucasian child..ewan! n he' s SO cute!..grey eyes!..lolx...n den i wen out wid my brother a gift! shuuussh!anyway 1 more day..little brat n u're 19!
Monday, April 23, 2007

cHeCk oUt HiS HaIrStYlE!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
tho i do not believe DAT mEn are from mars n women are from venus! some experiences wid d opposite sex feel ..."
men are devils from hell ". i m surrounded by men whu love,care n share. but some men out dere jus hate, kill AND TORMENT OTHERS DREAMS!
i SIMPLY DETEST MEN WHO CHEATS EVEN IF ITS MY LOVED ONE!HOW can they heart-lessly cause sadness and heart breaks jus like dat??
UNGRATEFUL pieces of SHIT! if u guys go sleepin ard, it calling showing off manhood...if women does it..she's a WHORE! wat the fcuk! wen a gal cheats..dat's so CHEAP OF HER! wen a man does it..he's SO DARING!..please stop faking, hurting and treating the lady who loves U like some kind of SPARE TYRE!
I DO NOT HATE MEN! but i despise men who cheat laydees n thinks i'm a man after all..i dun even agree wid a religion's law saying a man can have four wives...WOMEN ARE NOT SOMETHING U CAN TOY AROUND WITH!THEY ARE ALSO MADE OF
he knows how to treat a lady rite n well) OR WATSOEVA!...JUS UPSET BY HOW SOME MEN LOOK AT WOMEN!
B4 i go into my simply superby SATURDAY NITE OUT!..lemme tok abt a nite out wid my colleagues! was friday nite n i wanted 2 get a top 4 princy ereen..lao shu..khai darlin..yani barney n herli i wanted 2 go takashimaya.. 2 gt something from WH!?!...i tried out many diff. things. but i loved dis V-NECK HALTER! ME!i tried it on..wid my fashion consultants ereen n khai over looking..after trying 5 diff. colours.Dey decided purplr looked best n nice on me!..I BOUGHT IT!..ladies..chk out WH!..ITS REALLI NICE!dey gt nice sleep wear too(boxers 4 ladies too).!but i had 2 leave dem..n meet my parents 2 head down 2 black jack(indian club) 4 their anni. dinner!vadi n guna anna joined us. dad n mum wanted 2 go home. so the fantastic 4..hehe..wen 2 SPICEZ!ok dis coffeshop..serves indian muslim drink..n dey hav realli nice eye candies werkin dere!..THKS EARNIE!I kip eating at late nites!..argh!!!..N DEN we headed home!loved d ride!
wen 2 werk...had lessons wid my kids n left ard 1.30p.m.
MY BABY was waitin 4 me outside! but i gt held up by a parent who was asking me where 2 gt a toy pony. dat child apparently wanted the same pony that her friend had bought 2 school.The mummy actually went all d way 2 vivocity 2 get a pony but the child had turned it down.saaaddd!...
I wen 2 get a book for my darling adi who was coming over to my place,yeahhh!!..its been so long i saw him.n den we rode down 2 tekha..ate @ the madhan's aruchuvai!..n den headed back home! wen 2 fetch ADI!he toks so much now!..
GOT READY 2 HEAD DOWN 2 TEMPLE! WE WERE TAKIN A BUS DOWN 2 MARINA!adi slept in the bus..zzzzz...crackin n jus luffin my heart out!..n den wen we reached,every1 turned ard..the JING-BANG GANG IN TOWN! n den we sat down 2 cook..!!sangs.gaya.din wen 2 gt the stuff 2 get cooked..n we started cookin..!YUMMY FOOD!n den i came up wid new recipie..i fried egg n put the cooked meat into nice n tasty!..adi was playin ard!..wen 4 a walk wid him..came back...n den we decided 2 walk down 2 go BOWLING!
we were bowling like
crazy!MAKIN so much of noise n creating was the
SK(guna anna's new nick) & DISCIPLES !..ok la...gaya3 kept striking...jes was gd..suba was gd..anna was funny..sangs was PRO.(D BALL ACTUALLI CURVES)..i sucked big time!..adi was cute..playin ard in d arcade!dey won us tho.den we cut BIRTHDAY cake 4 daddy @ midnite! every1 in d bowlin alley were starin at us...hehe took d bus baq singing dancin..freakin out @ 2 a.m....den headed home...
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
It was ben n jerry's free cone day!..n i hav a ben n jerry outlet at the shoppin mall wherE my school is located..M I GONNA MISS IT OUT..
HELL NO!!! i wen wid tchrLina n Evon...2 gt my first come which was at 11.45..dey start at 12!..kekekekekeke!..
i tried sweet cream n cookies!YUMMMMILICOUS!...had lunch and den we went 2 cold wear..i saw dis red halter..SEXY!. i dun hav clothes in red tho..i tries it on..n tchr lina wen..OH SO SEXY, MY GIRL!..HAHAHAHAHA...n guess wat, she bought it 4 me..4 my b'day!..she has it in her cubby..sayin dat she will gif it 2 me..on my b' funny..den i had class wid fai!..n wen 2 queue again 2 my 2nd round wid earnie...I SAW SOME
RJC(RAFFLES JUNIOR COLLEGE) STUDENTS queuing up 4 their 2nd round with cones in their hands..(SO SO GREEDY RITE)!!...
my 2nd round wasss..chocolate fudge brownie...*wide grin*super duper gooooood!!...N den i had reader was fun..TEJAZ(ma student) LOVES ME,(he thrives 4 my attention n always wans 2 kiss me,GOD KNOWS Y?)..nontheless, i love him as much too..after werk, i wen wid kahi,earnie,ereen and fai!!...the queue was so long..SAME
RJC STUDENTS AFTER 3 HOURS!...Queue was so long!but i was waitin 4 guna anna n vadi 2 come over 2 fetch me..
3RD ROUND WAS STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE...#END OF MY SINFUL ADDICTIONS 4 THE DAY#...VADI WAS like..pandi(pig)..3 ice creams..u beta buy me one!..hahahahaha!!..vadi n guna anna rode together 2 nice..beside each other..tokin n exchanging comments!i gt down at suba's...MEETIN WID D ORGANISING COMMITTE!...DINNER WAS SPONSORED BY SUBA'S MUM..DAMN NICE LA!..WE MET DINESH TO BOWL.. the boys were meetin us dere after soccer...! bowling was so fun fun..luffing n luffing..devan was getting strikes..jes too...i wanted to sabo vadi.. so i bowled in his lane..BUT GUESS WAT!!..IT STRIKEED!!!...hahaha..was luffing my head off!!'s so nice wid the boys!n den NESH'S B'DAY!..d stewpid cashier reveled the cake..nesh started gigglin..the VIBRATATOR!..n we blindfolded!!i tell we made him toe..crawl..sit on sand...REALLI FUNNIEEEEEE!!..yishun park..n we celebrated nesH's b'day dere!!..fed him cake...played on the swings!!...we jus wen
CRAZY!!n den we bought nesh a tiger!..ITS TIGER TIME!!..HE HAD 2 DRAG IT AT 1 GO!(D guy can drink very very very WELL)...he was shy tho wid anna n all...!!
anyway dinesh, u're offically eighteen!U CAN NOW BUY CIGARETTES,LIQOUR N ENTER CLUBS!!!hahaha...u dun hav to tho...but hey freedom comes wid age!!hoped u enjoyed it sweets! loves loves u like SIOW!!!...vadi bought jes back home...guna annna bought gaya back home...ravi anna bought me..muthu..pravin..nesh..n sugu!WID CHINNA DURGA!!!!...waitin 4 fotos from ma MAN!!...
Monday, April 16, 2007
Okies, my soul has calmed down after dat post!..!!!I 'M READY TO FACE ANYTHING DAT COMES MY WAY..!!anyway, dere's dis movie called mozhi(tamil movie)..ITS REALLI NICE!..funny..sentimental...lots of nice fite scences...!!like the hero's entics!..N JYoTHIKA ACTED VERY WELL...!viji(go see whu's d charachter) so FUNNY!!nice movie wid super super storyline...i teared!maybe u would 2..GO RENT NOW!
PEEPS ALERT!!!whinning in process..its a whinning process where i swear n bicker about. BUT DAT'S BECOS I BELIEVE IN FREEDOM OF SPEECH!...if u do, continue! IF U DUN, PLS SKIP!...Dere's dis itch..a tiny leech stuck 2 my heart and not lettin matter wat i try..the leech kips bothering me..I tried luffing, crying,tokin abt it but
FUCK!...I CAN'T GET MY MIND TO REST!..dun know why certain things are happening the way it is...
CALL ME PARANOID! BUT i can't seem 2 get hold of the emotions within me..maybe it becos of my "p"!..I DUN KNW!...i feel so scared, worried and anxious...
CAN'T WAIT 2 GET MY DOUBTS CLEARED TOMORO! I HATE TO PUT MYSELF THRU IT....!!!..he knws abt it..n he jus wans to make me feel beta...I DO LOVE HIM EVERY SINGLE BIT!...(i jus so so so wish i can tear the leech away from my mind and throw it into a well of "troubles-far-away)..
GOD!help me pls....
Sunday, April 15, 2007

cn u spot..YOGI!
Tamil new year fell on the 14th of april!!...i was so happy becos, at nite, in HOLYTREE BALASUBRAMANIAM TEMPLE...
the KARPAYAH family does the new prayers every year..n it is something very special 2 me n my family!!..ALL OF US TOGETHER...TO GRACE THE OCCASION...but guess wat!...I COULDN'T GO!!!..I GT MY
"p". so, i had to stay home!..sad..sad...I went 2 work..HE fetched me home!..Usually i Go over 2 his place..but since i was nt clean..i didn't feel comfortable...n i wanted 2 head home...BRO HAD NOT TAKEN HIS LUNCH!..So we headed home..went to the coffeeshop n ate chicken rice!..n it started 2 rain so..he had to wait 4 the rain simmer down!After dat dat,VADI LEFT.!...i headed home...n SLEPT..Z.Z.Z.Z.Z.Z.Z.
"ring" "ring" "ring"..moblie fone was ringing!!..god it was 9 pm...i had slept from 2! tired! was askin wat we wan 2 eat..I ordered HOR FUN!..yummy!..after havin dinner, guna anna n vadi dropped by to watch soccer...1 AM...I WEN BACK 2 SLEEP AGAIN! blood is losing all the energy!...
ANYWAY LADIES, JUS A SMALL RECOMMENDATION...WEN U HAV THE P OF THE MTH, U MAY WAN TRY USING "t"...ITS REALLI COMFORTABLE..NEITHER DO U HAV ODOUR OR FEEL UNEASY!...I TRIED, NOW I PREFER IT TO "SP"...gif it a try..!( if u can't get the abbreviations...tag me..kekeke)The next day which is today!...Me n him wen 4 his company's family day!..which was held at jurong bird park!...teh ride was a killer..heat beating us down..traffic was a KILLER!..n it was a long ride!!BUT I LOVED IT...loved feelin the air brush against my skin...!i seek thrill for my adrenaline rush!Bird park is quite boring...! but i liked the parrots..handsome owls n beautiful penguins.. i clicked n clicked!...we walked ard!.redemmed our lunch( which was pathetic)!. n den we decided 2 head back b4 the rain came in!...oops! 4got the most delicious part!..
WE HAD BEN N JERRY'S!..hahahaha..really yummy...sweet cream n cookies...vadi licked it clean!..hahahaha!..n den we rode back 2 YISHUN GV..
HOPIN 2 CATCH A MOVIE...but no nice movies! vadi called jes 2 c where dey were..n dey were at
We rode dere!...JD..SJ..N SURI'S PARENTS WERE DERE!..n dere was dis suprise guest!..YOGI!..sang's pet dog!...he's so cute cute cute!..I LOVE DOGS!..esp. puppies! he's like so small..n cuddable!...i love HIM!..i started playin wid YOGI!...N vadi wen i'm nt gettin a dog.. she wil go crazy!...HAHAHAHA..i love playin wid dogs..wen caesar was younger n much more active..he n i used play liek crazy..
I MISS MY OLD CAESAR BUT STILL D LOVE HIM AS MUCH!...I m definitely gettin a pet dog!(if we hav the money)...
After dat, we wen down to hav dinner and tokin about graduatin from our degree courses!(
JES CAN'T WAIT TO TaKE A FOTO IN DAT SUIT)HAHAHA!.. and vadi wen.. hey i think i'm gonna stop wid my diploma..hehehe..and as
we were leaving I SAW STEFFAN! STEFFAN WAS A CHILD UNDER MY CARE IN PREVIOUS CHILDCARE I WERKED! I APPROACHED THE MUM N SAID..U R STEFFAN'S MUM?!..n she recognised me..n steffan wen hello, i know u!..hahah
i asked him, do u still remember my name and he wen u r teacher jevi..i grinned widely!I WAS VERY HAPPY BECOS HE ACTUALLY REMEMBERED ME N MY NAME!..he even sang me the song i would sing wen dey line up
!( kids brighten my day :)) walkin back, dey decided 2 go 4 a movie...i wanted to go to..but vadi had 2 head home..i didn't wan 2 be teh odd one headed back home...ANYWAY..I LOVED THE DAY WID HIM..SIMPLY SUPERB
anyway i can't wait 2 own a house(tho the responsibilities is stoppin me)..I prefer havin a private life after marriage..nontheles..
WAT'S LIFE WITHOUT SOME COMPANY AT TIMES!...i would end the blog wid e song i sing 4 my kids(which steffan sang back 2 me today)I'M A LITTLE TRAIN, ROLLIN DOWN THE TRACKROLLIN, ROLLIN, ROLLIN CLICKETY HICKETY CLACKJUS A LITTLE TRAIN, ROLLIN DOWN THE TRACKROLLIN, ROLLIN, ROLLIN CLICKETY HICKETY CLACK!!!CHOO CHOOO!!(hahahaha..tecahers hav the strength to make or break a child)..
Friday, April 13, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Tuesday was Teacher Komala's B'day!..she was turning..(100-45+2).Go fig.!..hahaha..n she was celebratin it in a taamil club chakravathy!its located at eminent plaza!...After work, every1 changed n went to the music make up! it looked like some kind of studio with gals gettin ready for a show!..hahahaha...After all the glitz, i shared cab with Khai AND 2 mandarin teachers!
We reached! ambience was nice..BIG N SPACEY!we had drinks..slowly every1 was comin in!..had dinner!FOOD WAS GD!..after dat,we had dance floor...
me n tchr ereen were like
dancing away..
Ivy danced
cha cha n boy was she
Earnie n Nora were back
from 80's..hahahahaha...i couldn't care less dat my bosses were dere! Vadi came...n i wen out to see my new crush..his bike!..NICE!..ITS A BLUE KR!...hehehe..went in..he had his dinner..i was still dancing away liek crazy..(even tried the pole..kekekeke)...I go crazy in the dance floor( my colleagues tot i was high).!
MY BF KNWS I'M A WILD A PARTY ANIMAL SO HE DIDN'T STOP ME!i left at abt first ride on his first bike...IT WAS NICE...even though the bike stalled twice n i had to run to the corner of the was still nice!..HE WAS SO APOLOGETIC...everytime the bike stalled..but i wasn't angry!..i jus love the way he does things to impress me...
DUN BLAME ME I'M A GAL, LOVE BEING PAMPERED!Yesterday we wen was abit scary as it was raining!..slippery roads...but i trusted him! i jus held on to him..givin directions...n den we came back 2 yishun 4 dinner,CHONG PANG NASI LEMAK!with a bike...i can go n makan anyway anytime...hahaha...
NOW I FEEL MORE WORRIED WEN HE GOES HOME,ALWAYS EXPECT A CALL FROM HIM WHEN HE REACHES HIS DESTINATION....Its friday n i'm sick!i hate being poisoning!...or maybe my sensitive stomach(jes its nt the bike ride la)..kakakaka!I still forced myself to werk but i had vommitin sensations on the way to i smsed 2 IVy sayin i'm sick...n she asked me to rest!
Monday, April 09, 2007
..Work was as usual..monday i hav 3 classses!TIRING...! BUT FUN!...n in the kids class(where they will hav to leave their parents 2 come 2 class)..NO1 CRIED TODAY!..*relieve*, d rest were discussin abt tomoro's event
(TEACHER KOM'S B'DAY)..the attire, make-up..hahahaha, MA LADIES CAN'T WAIT!..after WORK!..i called vadi..he was complaini abt the pain in the leg!..I SO WANTED 2 C i called him n said i wanan go over to his house to c him!..HE WAS LIKE.."REALLI".MUM WIL BE AT HOME. n i told him..i didn't mind her presence( its her house!! )..I met him at his bus stop..n we walked home together!
gOWRI was dere...but nt his mum...we were waitin 4 his mum..n den tokin n tokin!..he wanted me to sit beside him(we had an arguement b4 we entered the hse)kekekeke...i was like "wait" but he jus wouldn't wait n started pullin my jeans!!!..SO ANNOYING!..he did to me until i fell off the chair..
ARGH!...I SAT BESIDE HIIM...n we started peelin onions..( 4 an activity wid my children at school tomoro)..i started cryin!!..its been so long since i peeled onions!..hahahaha...after dat, GOwri had a call from Shalu!..on maths questions...the 3 of us cracked our heads..i was doin mathematics wid gowri!..hahahaha...but we were nt sure of our answers( U GUYS KNOW THE REAL THING) i decided to call my bro. 2 check on it!..n he was like tellin me stuff dat i would hav neva i know y he excelled in maths better den me!HAD DINNER(HE FED ME)!!
n DEN tokin wid vadi's mum!...saw GNG'S the color!..VERY NICE!i hope dad picks a gd one 4 me(he always does)!..hahahahahahahaha..N DEN SAW "AFTER HOURS" was nice!
I'M SUPPOSED 2 BE BOLIN POTATOES..but i'm nt gonna do it! WILL DO IT AT WORK TOMORO!...hahaha the potatoes r jus rite in front of me..but i can't jus seem 2 lift my lazy arse off the chair!gonna sleep!!..
*hope i wake up early so that i can go 2 work 2 boil!

Get Your Own
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Thursday, April 05, 2007
GOOD FRIDAY PPL!...i had a blasting gd friday!...i had plans wid colleagues to go down to MOS!..i had made plan wid my dearies 2 go together...
THE MORE THE MERRIER.HAHAHA! WE HAD TO TAKE ACAB! as i was late!..ANYWAY I WORE DIS LOVELY CREAM COLOR DRESS!!!MY BF BOUGHT IT FOR ME!..HAHAHAHAHA.. REALLI SEXY N SWEET(HAV NVR DARED 2 WAER SOMETHIN LIKE DTA B4)!kekekeke...put up the pics soon! anyway i used roshan's cam as my cam has no memeory card( I SO WANNA GET ANOTHER DIGI CAM..) THKS ROSE!! wen we reacher was free entrance! cool!..but it was freakin packed! 2 gt the rnb room!..smoove is like in a market which is giving away free vegetables,meat!hehehe! onli the ah ma's and ah kongg's were replaced by divas and hunks(hahahaha)..the free vegetables and meat substituted 4 the liqour n mUSIC!i saw yani zee an nesh! hugged zee yani! introed my clique!ma bf,vadi,ma bro, muthuma cousins,paran n gayaand gaya's fren, kalaivani!...dere was no space 2 dance! n d boys LIED DAT IT WAS PARAN'S B'DAY! DERE WAS dis tamilan kootam beside us( ang mo wannabes)...d guy offered paran a galss of chivas sayin dat his b'day n all!hahahahaha..CHOOO FUNNY!but i didn't like dem..dey were drunk looked like some pack of wolves waiting to hunt down a bunny! d boys n us felt its too packed!so we decided 2 head down to asoka!so we left MOS IN 25 MINS...hahahaha
On d way out, changed mind! head down to club VIP!arghhh..WRONG PLACE!...d club is so so so BORIN LA! teh band music SUCKS BIG TIME!seriously NOTHING BEATS THE OLD AMARAN N ASOKA! was boring until the DJ KILLAWILL started spinning..burning the floor wid my baby
!(JES I MISSED DANCING WID U...WISHED U WERE DERE WID US!!!!)GUNA anna danced wid me! WE danced 4 LOOSU PENNAE!..n dere was a fight goin on in the pool area!kekekekeke...n den dey closed the club at 4! we left to rexy! 2 eat at adam's corner! i had prata n teh halia(ginger tea)...d guys were jus
JOKING LIKE CRAZY!BUT I COULDN'T LUFF...SLEEPY!! gaya shared cab wid her fren...! vadi me n mutu 1 cab! paran n guna anna sped off in teh super 4! aftre vadi alighted! I LIED DOWN ON THE SEAT OF THE PASSENGER SEATS..SHACKED!wen home ard 5.45 n my mum was leaving 4 work! she was like..."dancing 4 so long!!"..go n sleep soon!hahahaha!I WOKE UP AT 1!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Today is my mum's b'day...the lay dee whu loves me no matter wat! vadi n i bought bracelet..4 her..n den we wen 2 BAKERZIN 2 gt her a cake!wen home..EXHAUSTED!12 midnite, me bro n pa..bought the cake in2 the room and suprised her..she blew the candle n slept!hahaha..LOVE HER LOTS!
Today is oso AIDA'S B'DAY!my colleague, she so reminds me of mum!...hahahahaha..HAPPY B'DAY DEARIE!
MET my baby at yishun..we were walkin 2wards GV..n we saw our beta half!..JD...we followed dem,walkin at the pasar malam!n waited 4 mum 2 come wid muthu,,,we had dinner in SWENSEN'S. n gues whu joined us!..RAVI ANNA N FAMILY!..SO NICE!!..HAHAHAHA
*managed 2 convince my dad 2 allow me 2 MOS!...HAPPY HAPPY!

Monday, April 02, 2007

i wish...4 holidays all yr!
i wish...2 sleep thru out all nite!
i wish...2 be loved by all!
i wish...i could rewind back time, n be a beta gal 2 my parents!
i wish...i have neva met certain GUYS!
i wish...i will hav my family wid me TILL I DIE!
i KIDS have my kind-of-hair cos his is too curly..hahahaha!
i freak out wid my loved ones,SC!
i wish...EVERY 1 was happy together!
i wish...i hav no probs wid ppl i love!
i wish...i had more time to spend wid my babes,nitz.uma.shalz.!
i wish...JD WOULD LAST 4EVA!
i wish...I WAS HIS NOW N 4EVA!
i wish...ppl would try 2 understand each other beta!
i wish...Chinna durga will aspire 2 be a gd singer!
i wish...SASTHA PILLAGAL..doesn't end wid us.
i wish...some relantionships didn't end the way they did!
i wish...i can provide the best for THE CHILDREN I TEACH!
i be a high-flyer!
i wish...2 be a gd daughter n daughter-in-law!
i wish...i could gt my degree widout having 2 do assignments!
IT was a happening one..dis year! Panguni was reali reali nice...! SASTHA PILLAIGAL was dressed in purple...loved the new uniform! so retro-like!..we had so many kavadis..i took the milk pot in the morning wid my family!..VAdi, Gaya dinesh and few other ppl came 4 support!..we were singing! n enjoying the atomosphere!after dat i wen home 2 change n gt ready 4 selu mama's(mum's bro)...2 come n take the chariot!
WE HAD A HARD TIME,GOIN INSIDE THE POKIN AREA! space!n den i wen out 2 support 4 sujesh's kavadi..realli nice! he danced n viky joined us at the back!after dat,walk back to the piercing area..n dey haven't move yet! me jes n sangs sang 4 selu mama..who was in trance alrdy!...we sounded like some choir..hahahaha!n we had no we had 2 kip singing!...we managed to move out at 11. ONLI 3 GALS! the grp has seperated becos of the clash of timings we had with other kavadis..vadi,
pooja(SAMUNDISWARI) ,n gaya 4 jay anna's kavadi..WE had 2 walk in front 4 2 catch up wid UTHAMAN uncle kavadi!...we sang 4 both kavadis!..FUN!
onli 3 of us..singing melodious songs,fast songss...(hearing our voices break) IT WAS SO FUN!..suba joined us following..sugu..vadi!.guna anna..!we left the queue to sing 4 jay anna. who was at the doorstep!..Some guy was shoutin n hurlin vulgarities @ INDECENT N ANNOYING! vadi decided 2 sins so dat the guy couldn't b heard!..kekeke..n den went inside the temple..! sang n den came out 2 sing 4 mam's!our routine was basically 2,hunger started to kill us! me n suba bought mee hoon 4 the rest..vadi bought popiahs! AFTER eating, we headed 2 the official tent n decided to rest in the tent..!DEY HAD A FAN! we toked abt the uniform..n how morning has passed by, pooja(new mem.) was excited abt me havin a frenster, jes being the oldest among us and having a diff. panguni dis yr!I FIND HER ,SO CUTE!KEKEKEKEKE...Ivy(MY MANAGER) gave me off tthe next day!so happie!..the nite was comin in n the next kavadi was mokhan das's n uncle nathan's kavadi!was realli worried 4 nathan uncle, he was takin harikandam( there is no belt, the rod are pierced thru ur flesh!I closed my eyes!..n prayed..hopin nth happens 2 him! everything wen well.! SALUTE TO NATHAN UNCLE, he had so much of will power!..we walked all d way wid him to the temple.! singing..DANCING..we jus freaked out!tho our voices were husky n out!..we loved singing!some1 called us 2 sing 4 their kavadi as dey had no1. Vadi started his tha na na na...ppl dancin ard the kavadi! n when we in tthe sanctum he sang nila vannam...the kavadi carrier danced..we were very plesed becos ppl were like..NICE!GD!..wen i saw ppl ard enjoyin wid us..I FELT PROUD OF SASTHA PILLAIGAL! n den we sang 4 mokan das uncle n nathan uncle..NATHAN uncle danced ard very well! i was veri relieved dat he fufilled his prayer. bought pooja to mit her parents!we were shacked..restin in the temple, anna called us 2 support 4 ramesh uncle kavadi! we still did our best...hats offf to GUNA ANNA, RAVI ANNA, PRABHU, KARTHIK N PARAN!..dey had cuts, blisters and persipiration all over dem..but dey kept on playin..took turns...! JES had to work so she left us after her lunch..n she joined us during ramesh uncle's kavadi!...we had the most ppl @ his kavadi..hahahaha..n d boys were dancing,waving their thundu's in de air n singing the heart's out! hahahahaha!...The gals had fun tooo..SUPER DUPER FUN!...after singing 4 all d last kavadi, ramesh uncle( wid his vayi putu- their pierce this like a cross thru their mouth n thounge)..said thanks..n shook hands...!i said..C U NXT YR!...we wen 2 ayyapan sanctum 2 thank our dear " dad" whu hav always loved us n made sure NO1 BROUGHT US DOWN..even if dey tried..DEY COULDN'T!...i wen home wid sangee n family..bought food from coffeeshop n headed home..took my bath n waited 4 bro 2 come back..had dinner N SLEPT..ZzZZZZZzZZ!"ENNA SATHAM ENNA SATHAM...SASTHA PILLAIGAL PAATU SATHAM"