Monday, July 31, 2006
mAyBe WoNdERiN WaT Or wHo I'M ToKiN AbT...NoNe oThEr tHaN mY 2 SwEEtHeaRtS i fItE..EnJoY..N GoSSiP WiD(HEHEHEHEHE)..jEs N SuBa! Neva hav i told dem how much i treasure dem..cos maybe i'm not openly affectionate .But i do LOVE these 2 sistas whu make me so secure n valued. we used to hang out 2gather...bullshitt o our parents n roam ard. suba tho younger..acts like some big sister..while me n jes r the naughty little ones..its so cute d way she reacts wen we do something. D way she forgif us..D way she walks wid anger n pretends to be mad! D way she says "fcuk"..hahahahahahaha..well today we wen bk..meals on me! We ate..toked n toked abt how stuff is gonna be in the futhure..wat we r gonna be like...hehehehehehe...suba..dun sleep ah on ur 1st nite!...i LOVE d way these 2 always assure me n caution me.. on wat to do! We luffed our hearts out!its been so long since we actualli had dis kind of time togather n frankly speaking, the feeling is BEST..i get to be myself with dem! U CAN SAY WE R A CRAZY BUNCH OF GALS!
den suba went off..was left wid jes! JES is someone i always confided in..knows me inside out..scolds me wen i act stupid..n luffs it off to make me feel better!she is someone whu makes sure her loved one dun go astray...she believes in dem more than anyone else! she n suba r like the best listens while the other comments! these two ladies hav certainly hav a stronger place in my heart THAN HIM!basically becos..dey stand by me NO MATTER WAT!n dey believe in me more than anyone else!
Sunday, July 30, 2006

PlAiN mE WiD PiMpLEs n eYeBaGs!

MiStY Me!

I hEaRt DiS sArEe!

Ma sPaNiSh sWEeThEaRt!

I LoVe U TiLL mA LaST bReAtH!

GeEkY CoUpLe!
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Friday,28th july 2006...was a busy day but i was excited abt the radio interview..hehehehe..anyway today i had to do cookery!YIPPE!vegetable salad..n YUMMY!it was delicious n my kids even asked me 4 more!...but it was tiring as i had to repeat instruction over n over to 10 groups of children..MOUTH PAIN!i had a healthy meal dat day..after dat...i went to meet jes n gaya whu picked me up from the bus stop...than we headed down to the reception,the lady asked 4 my id. THANK GOD!i had my passport wid me!..than we saw prem n vimala..kekekeke!we followed dem into the studios!COOL..n vimala was SO excited abt the sold-out tixs..which is 2000 TIXS..i hope my supporters hav a place to sit...! than we were bought somewhere..waited 4 our turn..than we were walkin to the toilet! ME N JES SAW RAFEE!!argh!! i hav neva been so close to him n I ADMIRED D WAY HE DJED!hahahaha..d both of us got stuck behind the door...ANNOYING..
den our turn..interview wen pretty well..we were in tamil articulation than came the crashin part..she asked me wat song..i went like a smart-aleck..i dun know wat movie..i think rajinikanth movie!NALLAI NAMATHE!den after i finished prem went d movie was nt acted by rajini! I WAS LIKE AHHHHH!den prem wen dun shout wen the mic is on!ANOTHER MISTAKE..i was so so callled me n said IDIOT...ITS AN MGR MOVIE...hahahahaha tho it bothered me the whole day...i got over it the next day! work today! woke up yo adi's callin at the door..yes he came again to stay over..i love d way he calls me AKKA! so sweet! than we drove to coffeeshop to hav breakfast i went to take my paasport size foto! i was wearing my new orange top n brown pants..DAMN COMFY!than we drove down to do my IC! N ADI was being super active!...drove down to arab some stuff for the props..than wewent to dis costume shop at alwi street..damn dey hav nice clothes..i'm gonna ask the guys rent clothes from dere!i rented something too...but wat is a suspense..ONLI THE CHOKRIS KNOW!HAHAHAHA...wen to tekkha bought some stuff dere too..than we went to eat banana leaf apollo..i wun say its too crammped! n was ok! i love d the LASSI! than i had to head back home 4 prac..we had prac. in suba's carpark..discussed abt things..than dad came to pick us up!we wen near my house bought the necessities..than headed home...saw parijatham..NICE MOVIE!did the props at the same time..WE R MULTI-TASKABLE(WOMEN I MEAN!)..THE PROPS LOOKS REALL GOOD!I NEVA wanted to be part of a mega compeition..NOW I M! i'm sooooo excited

I hEaRt THEm BoTh..nIcE PoSeD pIc!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
I love every single second wid him..THo he irritates me at times..n i also irritate him almost all the time..the both of us hav seemed to grwo out of the ego circle..he gives in all the time last wednesday,we had bajan prac n we went pasar malam b4 dta to buy RAMLEE burger..n the burger was packed in a to eat a burget like dat!..and mine had chilli sauce all over..I HATE GETTIN MESSY WHILE SAVOURIN MY FOOD! i kicked a big fuss n refused 2 eat..he exchanged burgers..he made me sit down n eat..thO I grumbled when the bbq oozed out to my hands..he jus kept quiet n smiled!hahahahahaha! POOR GUY RITE!but no matter wat..i seem 2 feel dat HE JUS LOVES ME EACH DAY!
On monday..we met after werk..its been so long since we spend some time alone!hE WAS SO INTERRESTED IN KFC!hahaha..we had 2 pc chicken meal..yummy!than i finished my meal..than the staff came up to me n spoke to me in mandarin,I WAS LIKE WAT THE HELL?!she even repeated herself..n she was askin some chinese guy to translate wen vadi went I KNOW!she actualli told me..she cleans up means she is nt tellin me to leave!..i luffed. the chinese guys jus looked at him in amazement!hahahahaha!! We went bowlin after dat..FUN!we were playin beside a guy whu kept throwin the ball up..IDIOT!than we Walked in yishun atmosphere than i saw SWINGS! next moment we were on the swings..hahahaha! he could go realli high..he tried pushin me but i was afrain n nearly cried! He walked me home..took the lift..n gave me something i will neva 4get!NO ITS NOT A LOVEBITE OR WATEVA PHYSICAL..!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Yesterday..was a very tiring day. had bajans but we were goin wid dad!Dad was helpin the uncle in the prayers so we had to leave early at 6.30!! we all went down first..even had time to have macdonald's breakfast!i had hotcAKES...YUMMY! than we went back..the rest have nt come yet, they onli came ard 10+..bajans started and ended ard 12.45...had lunch!Dad agreed to drop vadi at his in the car..i was sleepin away..than i went 4 dance prac..using a pathetic shirt n my dad's bermudas..i didn't care how i looked..i jus wanted to feel comfortable! We had prac from 3 - 7.30 N we hav finished the song!Than i went bk wid jes n dev. i had bk chicken nuggtes..IT WAS ON DEV...!!HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE..followed jes to cold storage..she introduced to me this new brand of cookies..BOASTERS..its nice!!very crunchy! than i took a cab home..took my bath..toked on the phone n chatted on MSN..multi-taskin..I HEAD TO BED..ONCE I WAS IN BED I WENT INTO LA LA LAND...I SAID BYE..2 HIM..MISS HIM LOTS!then i was sleepin!!!zZzZzZzZzZzZ
Thursday, July 13, 2006
I'm pissed..pissed .. pissed!! something happened...n u ain't fukin tellin me abt it! fuk i feel so gd!..i hav been so open..u had been some1 i turned to...i told everything even wen i fought wid ma loved ones..i told u! N U CAN'T EVEN TELL ME DIS..dun gif the bullshit.." i dun wanna u to worry"..i'm UR GALFREN!!!u dun wanna make a gal worry..dun do dis kind of things!!..MA BRO..DIDN'T SPEAK ANYTHING ABT IT!damn u men!!! i hate feelin like u know...u dun hav to doesn't conncern u! den dun bother havin me in UR LIFE!!!hahahahahahahahahaha...2 yrs..n U!i still hav alot to learn dun I! my tears r rollin down..feelin disappointed..hurt..U MEN HURT ME REAL BAD!!Call me an emotional wreck..i dun care!...U men N uR FUKIN SECRETS! I HATE THE WAY I M KEPT IN THE DARK..THANKS!
i feel like so much better!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
DURGA, you find love in a Fairy Tale
Glass slippers, traveling minstrels, knights in shining armor. These are some of the classic components of fairy tales. And when it comes to your real-life love life, you'll take 'em in the form of candy and flowers, poems describing your beauty, tiny velvet boxes, and the like. Whether you are single or settled, you're a firm believer that the fairy tale shouldn't end when someone is carried over the threshold (though that's a pretty fun part, too).
You sometimes have to work to get your head out of the clouds, but your optimistic spirit and love-conquers-all attitude helps you deal with the good and bad that life might throw your way. As long as you can spot a poison apple when it knocks on your door, you'll always be able to find your happy ending.
took thge test at beloe webby add.!
Monday, July 03, 2006
The half of today i have quiet,,hopin my phone wilL ring flashin the name..OLI GUY! FROM 9 AM..i hav been sitin by my fone..seein if i missed any calls..callin wid ppl 2 check..goin thru crazy ideas wid jes..maybe we're nt selected..gejax called 2 check if they called..sangs oso n gaya..ravi anna..all i said was..NOT YET!...i went to lunch iw jes..wen over to gowri's place..waited 4 gejax..went website to see if they put it up dere! but sadly NO!!..than gejax came...gowri called 2 check wid mediacorp if the results were out...n that lady said nt yet we'll call u shortly n hahahahaha..on the fone! GOWRI was pissed!..we saw a movie..than devan called from private no. and played a silly trick saying he's from oli!! ARGH!!
My tots were can we not make it..we did well! sangs called me..NO CALLS AH DA..i was like not yet...she was like i will be badly disappointed if we dun get thru!!ALL OF US GAVE OUR ALL!..we went down to gif vadi his ssdc book..n i asked him 2 call prem but it wen to message box..aiyah nvm..we'll wait!than i gowri n gejax wen phone rang..FLASHIN OLI GUY!!i shouted oli oli..the 2 gals rushed from the room..Prem went..hello durga, u r in the finals...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! 3 GIRLS SCREAMIN THE SONG ON TOP OF THEIR VOICES..poor him!! he tot the whole grp was wid mee...hahahahahaha..anyway i was so HAPPY! Jes met me later...SUBA I N JES HUGGED!!we made it!! NOW FINALS..Tougher compeition..but we r ALL SET TO TAKE IT ON!!CHOKRIS ROCK ON!
You Are Cyclops |
 Dedicated and responsible, you will always remain loyal to your cause. You are a commanding leader - after all, you can kill someone just by looking at them.
Power: force beams from your eyes |
You Are a Lime Margarita |
 Realistic and grounded, you have the energy to tackle any obstacle that stands in your way. Hyper and driven, you despise lazy behavior of all kinds... especially lazy drunks too tired to dance! |
You Are Chocolate Chip Ice Cream |
 You are kind, popular, and generous. You tend to be successful at anything you try. A social butterfly, you are great at entertaining a crowd.
You Are Navy Blue |
 You're a true adventurer. You constantly find yourself drawn to new experiences, people, and places. Sometimes you feel quite scattered and bored. If something exciting isn't going on, you feel a bit lost. |
Sunday, July 02, 2006
GeTtIN READY 4 the auditions..i ironed my punjabi suit n guess wat burnt! i actualli had a hole in anni's punjabi suit...IT LOOKED LIKE CRAP! i was so upset!!.. i actualli cried..1 hr b4 the auditions...~ i picked my self up..nvm! JES N DAD WEN TO PICK UP SUBA'S punjabi suit as dis is our mass bajan uniform! was loose..but with pins..we adjusted it rite..applied make up..than we left at ard 5.25..we all went wid dad!
Registered ourselves..n waitin 4 our supporters to come!!One whole grp of dem..20 of dem..were dere..n dey were supportin their heart out!!...we were the third grp..we were excited..but once we got on stage...we were jus enjoying..WE WERE CO-ORDINATED...n looked realli nice...i realli hope we make it thru!!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
There is still like 3hr n 15 mins b4 auditions...i'm so TENSED!!god..pls help me!!..nvm i'm gonna divert my mind from dere..YESTERDAY was my MAM's b'ay...!!hahahaha it was a suprise..mus hav seen his face...hehehehe...SO CUTE! people present in the joyous occasion were..JES, SUBA, GOWRI, GEJAX(ADOPTED SIS OF HIS), MUTHU.SUGU,PARAN, MY BABY N ME!!..we had real good food n the ambience was nt so bad!! After dat..we walked to the 851 bus stop...we bought white chains 4 1 dollars eac..n me n jes..bought like 2 dozen bangles 4 7 ah..U CAN GET THEM AT VASU'S BANGLE SHOP..AT DUNLOP ST!tho the bangles r nt so gd..if u r lucky like us..can get real nice ones at cheap price...ANYWAY THANKS VEERA!

Today was shanthi akka's wedding..we went only abt at ard 11.00..sat down..bitched abt some people..took lots of nice fotos..we ate..gave akka her gift n the boys were heading 4 banu's thevaram compeition..SHE WILL MAKE SHINING STAR! i'm tensed...god! realx myself now..look at some pics we took at the wedding... me jes .. n suba wore the same saree design but in diff colours!!