Thursday, June 29, 2006
i was supposed to do dis yesterday..but didn't get the time...Adi is at my nice!! he looks so cute wen he smile and shouts AKKA (elder sis)..Anyway gejax n jes..attended the briefing..DEtails were given..OLI boogie nite audition happening at WOODLANDS REGIONAL LIBRARY AUDITORIUM!!..from 6-7..if u can come down 2 support us(CHOKRIS) WOLD BE REAL GOOD!...anyway we tot of using the costume in the we r gonna make use of bajan uniform..Dark blue...n black pants..I'M REALLY EXCITED!!whether we MAKE IT THRU or not...i would really treasure the memories i had while dancing wid u 4...thanks 4 being part of dis BOND!CHOKRIS...GONNA ROCK!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
i rEaLLi lIKe ThE cOsTuMe..tReNdY yEt TrAdItIoNaLL..cOol!!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
God!! WE FINISHED!! Yahoo~... We finished the dance...Tryin all dif. Steps...Put it together n wahla...last MASTERPICE OF CHOKRIS~ i think it looks nice...and cool! we all put our heart into in it..tired n drenched with persipiration..we jus kept tryin!! we went on n on!!hahaha..WE discuused on costume..tomoro gonna get the cloth n get my mum to sew!!i'm so freakin EXCITED!whether we make it or not..WE R ALL GONNA PIG OUT AFTER 2ND JULY!!LOVE YA ALL...NOBODY CAN HOLD US DOWN!!

ANYWAY the nails are gone...sob sob!
Saturday, June 24, 2006

VaDi n I FoOLiN Ard wId mY foNe iN THe bUs RiDe!!u look super duper cute..VAALU!

lOoKin gOrGeOuS In dAt aTTiRe!!GAJA is gonna kill me!!hahahaha
Friday, June 23, 2006

FrOm lEfT: BlAcK ToP FrOm MANGO...BrOwN ToP WiD wErDs FrOm OuT fIttErS...bLaCk cAsUaL tOP FROM MANGO! IN THE MIDDLE: EARRING(which vadi doesn't like...)hehehehe
Today vadi,gejax and gowri met me..we were headin down to town!! its been so long since i went down to town 2 shop! great singapore sale is here n i'm not missing it dis time round!We went far east..had lunch..n than walked down to wisma!we bought FAMOUS AMOS! i got a top from says..I'M A HARD HABIT TO BREAK..vadi was realli impressed with the caption and told me to buy it!..than i went to MANGO!it was super messy n crowded..i tried my clothes outside the dressing room..hahahahaha..queue so long! took a nice elegant lookin black top..and a casual black top!!!realli nice!..bought my facial wash from body shop!...wen down to topshop 2 get myself some....u dun realli need to know wat!..than we headed down heeren n took neo prints...!realli cool ones! we took bus n headed to vadi's home...vadi went home 1st n met me in a while..we headed outt o spend some time togather..JUS was our 30th month anni.! anyway i loved dis day...

PiCtUrEs nEvA LiE!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Practices r drainin me knees are weak..n by the time i'm done dancing..i pant heavily...god i have neva put so much of effort in a dance...2 strangers dey may feel ..its nt good enuff...but to dance like dat all the way..damn u need STAMINA!! Anyway..has has been gaya!..Gaya is a fast learner so she was able to do steps with ease...n she kept on goin!..Sangs- the laydee wid stamina...though shacked..she jus kept pushin it hard n kept it moving..babe...u simply rock! GEJA- dis babe has energy and grooves well..tho exhausted she neva gave up..a true sweetheart i mus say..being youngest we all bully her..hahahahaha! so sorry i kept swearin at her, its jus dat i'm gettin comfortable wid ya..ask suba..she knws how i tok wid my sexy mamas! RAJES...hats off 2 u babe! prac! she is very determined..sets her mind..we finish..we MUST FINISH! SHE GETS US ALL GOIN! everybody of us r puttin so much of effort...i would like to say dis..whether we make it thru or not...CHOKRIS NEVA SAY DIE!!love y'all..god my knees ache.lARGH!!
its my 30th month anni. MAN i love HIM so much..wanna spend 300 years wid him...crazy gal!
its a gift from my sislaws!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

i'm bored..bored... i may neva has dis kind of freedom anymore..after i start workin..jus wanted to share a pic..that i like...
n that's me...hahahaha..
Monday, June 19, 2006

i'm 2o now...! god, 20 years of my life hav passed n i'm so excited!hahaha...
Last nite, after bajan..i jes vadi n muthu rushed home..we were goin down to AMARAN!...shhh! my parents dun know abt it...i n vadi took a cab..while devan n muthu took anuder cab...i sort of celebrated my b'day in the my baby's arms! muthu was the 1st one to wish followed by jes, devan...pravin...geja n gowri! HAHAHAHA...amaran was happenin..nobody..jus a few us..n it felt so COOL! we gt a jug of orange..bouborn coke..n 2 sprite...the DJ announced dat it was my b'day...*blushes*...i even had a suprise cake thks to him n JES!...i enjoyed the nite...dancing..drinking...luffing...kissing him...huggin him.....MUTHU GOT DRUNK! n started behavin like an IDIOT!we went chong pang nasi lemak...2 hav supper...n headed back home 4 long waited sleep...zzzzzzzzzzz

MY BIRTHDAY!..i woke up in the morning to geja's call! they were on their way n i was still lazyin in my bed..called sangee but she took al ong time to answer...than i informed her..n went back to bed! i forced my self to wake up..took my bath...n prayed...all my heart out...! the next moment..ADI WAS AT MY DOORSTEP!i love him..jus his smile..played wid him than I went to
Prac at sangee's hse..geja n gowri were in sangee's room... they gave their sweet of dem..sangee bought dis real nice lookin cake.! my 2nd b'day cake! I LOVED IT

..adi came usual..every1 cooed over him! geja n gowri n vadi came over to my place were restin on my bed...WE WERE ALL TIRED! went to meet rest at yishun n head down to yishun safra for sujesh's suprise b'day!
He came...cutted the cake..n i muthu vadi adi n rose left...we walked back home..! i reached home...n i get a call from oli's dj! i go..ahhhhhh!..she was like some1 gave u a sms...she's kaladevi..whose she..i was like she's my bf's mum!..n she was can we say it on air..I WAS Y NOT?!...SO YA..she did th e usual stuff..i sounded shit in radio..speakin mostly english..but nvm..n guess wat!? geja n gowri oso had sent a sms! hahahahahaha..i neva knew i would gel easily wid his loved i can..i mus say I'M BLESSED!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
i'm sLaCkIn..sO deCiDeD To ChAnGe My SkINN...CoOL Ya!!..HaV bEEn PRaCtIsInG..N PrAcTiSiNg..i'm eXHaUsTeD...ChOkrIs! consisted of 5 set to gelak... tHE youngest of all
GAJALAKSHMI aka Ganja!..than me..durga...SANGEETHA aka Sangs...RAJESWARI aka Jes...HASEENA aka Has... i can't wait to rock i wanna go n sleep! nites!!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
I nEvA tOt I WoUlD EvA BOnD WiD hIs FaMiLy..comin to think of it..i neva tot we would be 2gather 4 so long.. n our parents accepting world of frens n loved ones all know him n like him! i hav to thank god for makin life soo goood 4 me...! some people hav to fight their loved ones to succeed in LOVE but i dun hav to...!!! Oh ya work..i didn't get transferred..instead she said she was impressed in my conduct( in one week)...wat the hell?!...n was askin me to stay!NVM! iwas gonna stay n prove my self...!!now is HOLIDAYS...n i'm enjoying myself..late nights...late mornings..god can i ask 4 more!!
Chalet..HIS FAMILY CHALETVadi's family had taken chalet so..i was invited...went der wid jes dave n my lil'brat,mutu...tho i was pretty shy at 1st...i didn't hav 2 be..cos dey all knew me.. n were very fav. boy BALAMURUGAN.. recognized me...meenacthi also was frenly 2wards me...kis love me dun dey! hahahahaha....than dey were barbacaquein! we ate 4 a while...n decided 2 go out to help..n we started barbacaquin!...i loved the way..dave..initiated everythin..he was realli sweet! i 'm so proud of JES!!she gt the right man,,,hahahahaha...we ate n started playin paatuku paatu..oh ya..dave n vadi were singing all the old funny!!dave n jes went home...! we headed back inside..n played lots of games...!Games like hand game...fruit name...charades...bluff-poker cards..n my fav. 5 picked me n bro up..n headed back filled night!
ma cute bro!!
2nd day...we went ard 4 and played heart attack..n 5 star! it was fun la..barbacaqued again...we played charades...wid the whole family..than we headed home..
3RD DAY...the adults weren't in.. me n my bro went uninvited! hahahaha..i changed..i did agar-agar...well it was nt so tasty but still edible... we played 5 star...Than we played cathching...i went over to the kitchen to help vadi make scrambled eggs...!! the rest were playing heart attack..dave had already nicknamed the 3 siblings...gejalakshmi-Ganja...maegala--make-up...Sathiyaseelan--laka laka laka...gowri was spared...the both of dem were being at the worse!crackin crazt jokes n doin silly stuff..! we played charades...than headed up..i played 4 awhile..n slept!!i was tired...devan n mutu were making sure no1 else slept..count myself LUCKY! we headed back home at 6 am..had breakfast! n took 59 to bishan..damn long bus ride!!..but it was nice...havin all of dem...dere..i nvr knew BONDING wid his family would be so EASY N FUN!! loved the 3 solid days!!