Saturday, March 04, 2006
sORRY..I'VE NOT BEEN BLOGGING...not keepin to my word! it was just dat february was a real hectic month..n i've been thru alot..WORK N ALL.
I cocked up the school fees thingy but dat's y they claim...i passed the right amt. but she told me i passed her less. i paid using ma baby's money first...than she says i paid her MORE! SO WHU'S FAULT IS IT?! mine...NVM! than she asks me to go to the childcare as they r short of staff! I was reluctant and than she calls me in and says my conduct is bad...blah blah! Fine! I had enuff!
I told i'm gonna resign...i acted rashly widout thinkin abt the car and how dad would hav to pay for it by himself...I calmed down n the next supervisor toked to me abt it. She said she's also goin and she would like me to go wid her as i hav exprience.My workin hours end at 5.30 and my salary increased. GOOD! i took her offer...N i'm startin werk at the childcare on the 13th of march! This month is goin smooth!! LET'S SEE HOW IT GOES!
I suffered 4 seven days widout seeing him... how come? he was down wid chicken pox...n i was the first one to actually touch and notice them ... but no worries...I'M CLEAR OF IT! seven days taught me how to appreciate him and the love grew more...i still had dance practices goin i neva felt bored...but there were times...when i yearned to be beside him...!!
SSA Dinner and Variety Show...
Weeks of planning and meetings...was now gonna come together!! Tension and excitement reverbating throughout the CC... Sri Sastha Association Dinner and Variety show Venue: Chong Pang CC time: 7.30 to 10.00 pm
Organizing committe: Advisor: Ravi Anna
Front Desk: Shanthi Akka(i/c), Viky and Sujesh.
Ushers: Jes(i/c), gaya,suba(VIP), roshan,banu,saravanan and kopi.
Floor managers: Sangeetha and Paranthaman
Food: Ravi anna(i/c), muthu, vadi,ragu
Stage managers: Guna anna(i/c), Pravin aetta and durga devi sivaji(me)..hehehehehe
Show performers
Emcees: Nerupu guna and vasantham express Dharshini
Dancers:Nandhini, SPx and sunzcreed...n of cos...SASTHA PILLAIGAL..
Band: Eesaivani band singers:(SAKTHIVEL ANNA), tammy, saraswathi, rishi kumar and poobalan.
Urmi: Singaiyidi Urmi Melam!
I was late..suppose to be dere at 6..i was only dere at ard 7...i was upset over my make up. rEally sad..didn't look gd..too white...hmmm..nvm! i was gonna be backstage n NO1 was gonna see me! The show was very good and we were going according to time...GREAT! by 9.15, we were ready and set to rock! Emcees were able to atract and gain the audiences attention..WELL DONE!!...SPX dance was gd..full fo energy! Sunzcreed was oso gd..very co-ordinated and NICE!(WAY TO GO,GALS) 3 more songs and our performance...last song b4 dance.. Naalai namathe..we went out and danced 4 a while..
Our song was gonna start... Manmatha raasa was well co-ordinated and grt! Sangeetha nad karthik were fablulous, vadi and gaya were Cute! Suba and muthu were burning the FLOOR!!
Kumbida pona deviam was comin up... it was a gd dance...Sujesh and banu gave their all! Jes and vicky were burstin wid and dinesh..DINESH was the BEST DANCER OF THE much of effort...thanks everybody...4 makin it look so nice!! SORRY, IF I HAD BEEN TOO FIERCE DURING PRACTICES..........!!!!love u all..After Vaada Vaada, cleaning up and than eating dinner! still havin fun..hey the night's still young!