Sunday, January 29, 2006
I am so tired and exhausted, my muscles ache and i so badly wan a MASSAGE...Sandy(ma jack russell) is so tired dat she's sleepin on my bed,refusing to move..NO, she's not dead..stil breathin! Yesterday was FUN!..Hanging out wid ma chellams(loved ones) has all been an unforgettable one and wid my baby in it now..its BETTER THAN EVA!
29 JAN
I was supposed to wake up and help my mum fry the chicken wings ..but since i didn't sleep early the night b4.. i told my mum..No! dun disturb me! She shrugged and said..."U R ALWAYS LIKE DAT,BUFFALO". I jus closed my ears and eyes and went to sleep. I woke up at 9! Had only 1 hour to prepare..Anna was fetching us from home...we had alot of stuff! I wore ma NEW fox top! and ma favorite beach shorts! i packed ma swim suit and extra clothes..if i had a change of mind and decided to swim...( didn't wanna swim becos of a previous bad exprience..SUNBURN!) i applied sun burn lotion! Than put Sandy in her cage..and carried everything down! Excited!
Got in the lorry and saw the rest at northpoint,,suba made fun of ma top...HEY, NOT ENUFF CLOTH AH?!..yaya! i knew she was makin fun..she always did! sat wid the rest at the back...listenin to songs..enjoying ourselves! We reached dere...prakash uncle was already was so nice..Sandy started barkin and neva stopped! The boys found a shay area and startin playing Soccer..

its of cos, grt to see the sport but hey , i soon got bored and the MONKEY in me started to come out. The boys didn't let me.. play soccer...and I said.."A WOMAN CAN DO THE IMPOSSIBLE IF SHE WANTS" . Ravi anna asked to climb the tree. So wat..Tho i dun know how to, I tried to... AND I did..! I feared the red ants, but they never bit me( thank god)!

Love the effects in dis pic..Tho i look like a mad woman..Colours around are NICE..yes...i started and neva stopped takin pictures..not alot tho as i went swimming wid suba..dat gal didn't wanna swim if I didn't! Ma closest gf, ma favourite biatch! How can i let her not hav fun becos of selfish reasons! So i changed and went wid her!We played and swam..laughed. JES CAME!!wid PRAVIN and DINESH! the fun has just started! We played monkey! I played monkey 4 a long time..hahahahaha!
We played captain's ball..and we eneded wid a 15-15 score..Hungry and Tired.. we went to change back! The ladies were so crowded and We're not goin out widout at least washin up...I JES AND GAYA shared a toilet..imagine how we changed wid our eyes closed and squeezed ourselves 4 space! But we were clean and Ready to go! We played pass the bottle in the lorry and it was os fun..Dinesh licked pravin's arm...Suba licked gaya's lips and kissed it..Vadi did belly dancing..muthu strip tease till his shirt...I FRENCHKISSED Jes...TO THINK ABT IT...its ok..i know jes is hygiene-conscious!
Went home changed and headed to anna's place 4 meeting.. Well anna suggested dat we mus change the bajan i/c and asst i/c every partner,ma bruder! N we got APRIL AND NOVEMBER.! 2 hectic Panguni and one Navarathiri!! Its easy werkin wid bruder.. After dat we went Mac..bought food and headed home...Ate and slept!..
Saturday, January 28, 2006

I met vadi..after work at bugis..wanted to cut my hair at CHAPTER 2..but it was closed...ARgh! so we walked ard..ate a hawker center and walked again..Vadi nvr got the adidas jacket!..SIGHZZ..he realli likes it! than i decided to go 4 a hair cut..there were 3 shops...REDS hairdressing, Soh hair and beauty and JEAN Yip..tho ma option was Jean Yip...there was no i went to Reds! n i gotta a cute hairdresser but not as
cute as my baby! washed..blowed my hair..and the cuttin started..layered my hair!!
It's thinner now..but i like it dis way..not messy as b4 and so much of hair! ARGH! Vadi was tired and he wanted to go home BUT i wanted to look ard! Women hav the willpower to go shopping...! He was tired and i soon got Pissed! Thinking dat he was not being interested! but he's not dat kinda of guy...he insisted dat I continued..but I WAS ADAMANT n refused...rather go home and rest! I made him feel bad...i'm sorry hunz!
Came home, showered and left 4 shivani's b'dae...she was PRETTY IN PINK! we ate, laughed danced and left....Today we havin a picnic outing and I HAVE NOT SLEPT...kekekekekeke
Saturday, January 21, 2006
I'm so tired and have been wakin up wid a SORE throat everyday since last week...its so painful...Yesterday was such a beautiful day..I got up and got ready to leave for my phonic class..Dad said he will drop me at ma school..he borrowed anna's car( I CAN'T WAIT 4 MA Misthibushi Lancer) So me and muthe were leaving the house and ADI started wailing dat he wants to COME...So Dad asked him to bring along Adi,than we left..Pravin was in the car! The ride was nice..Adi dancing for Remo!! hahahahaha...I got down and Adi started to cry...But i knew he will be OK in a while...

Vadi and I met at bugis went to eat at billy bombers! Its was so nice..Playing footsie..It was the first time..he couldn't eat wat he ordered..but it was NIce!!Jus being wid him..Got somethings..A dorothy perkins plain black round necked t-shirt! It was very fast and short as Vadi had to be in temple at 5 so..we had to rush..Took 851 and bought nose stud...went cold storage to get ginger and garlic for mum..Saw some people on the way but i didn't bother sayin HI! It was never same thing..or i neva felt the same way as i felt towards them as b4..Headed home...than painted ma nails dad n bruder were leaving for the temple..21 JAN---> Punithamaram's chariot's Procession...Our guardian,Ayyapan was goin around to gif his blessings..

The gals were supposed to meet me at the chariot stop at block 239.. So we slacked at anna's place..we had guna anna, sangs,gaya,banz, kalaivani(new gal),me, nesh and thiru.(I MISSED MA 2 LADIES JES AND SUBA). We started bajans at ard 8..We waited for the chariot and THE BOYS!! The chariot came...I was blown away..He looked so majestically siitin in his throne..After the bajns..we rushed to the temple..waiting for the chariot..we waited for ayyapan and thiru satrted saying sarnams!*Claps* thanks honey, U were great! Than the boys joined in the bajans..Singing karupar songs..karupar looked so so nice... like a warrior..

! After dat.. the boys(pranta,sara and ma baby) had 2 carry the ayyapan procession around the temple.. I felt so scared as vadi has neva done dis b4 but I knew he was happy doing it... Feelin Him on your shoulder was a special boon i guess...something men are privillaged to do... We danced,enjoyed,sang,persipired and drained our SOULS for THEM...the 2 DIVINE ANGELS dat we always believe who WILL protect us..nurture us and be there for us NO MATTER WAT!
We were Tired..yes! but it never stops us froom laughing and crackin silly jokes...

Cant' wait for NEXT YEAR PEOPLE!
Thursday, January 19, 2006
I've been so and stuff. now everything has come back to normal and i'm enjoying every bit of it...NO MORE MONEY MATTERS AND ADMIN STUFF!! wait i've got so many days to blog on...jus special memories which are ought to be kept and let the sweethearts in ma life HOW SPECIAL THEY ARE in my life!!
14 jan 2006
Pongal festival was a great celebration!! Ayyapan(he's a god) looked so GOOD!! I was wearing the saree, the one that vadi's mum bought for me...the both of us were using the same colour..and it was COINCIDENCE!! People on't believe but I DUN CARE ABT WAT pEOPLE SAY!!

Yes, i'm so in love wid dis guy and can never imagine what i will be widout be...jus like A BUTTERFLY WIDOUT WINGS...Well...Bajan went on well...had a bit fun during bajans..laughing and all, well we always enjoy doing bhajans..We're not perfect BUT WE WILL DIE HARD TRYING...Sastha Pillaigal will go on further heights wid HIS grace( gosh! i'm getting religious now...)!! After the bajans, it was phototakin session...ME N MA SIS..we never stop..

Ma lAdIeS LoOkEd gOrGeOuS..mA MeN LoOKeD AbSLoUtElY...gREaT!!cAn't waIt FoR 21 jan...we gonna rock!!
15 Jan 2006
OuT WID MA BABY!! I had work to do so went back to work and started to do my stuff!! He came down to pick up and than we headed to raffles city shopping center... It was nice..the whole time wid him..his shoulders..his arms..his reassuring touch and the way I felt LOVE from his voice and the way he held me safely...Ma straw bag strps started to rip apart. In minutes, I was carrying the big bag in ma hand..Vadi bought me a bag so that I dun have to carry the bag!!He was so NICE! And we ate the pizza place..hmmm not bad but the service STINKS!

The bag he got me..NICE RIGHT!
I like walking wid him arm IN arm. stealing kisses from him and ya that night is a night that I WILL NEVER 4GET EVA!! His Love has written his name in ma Flesh and Blood!?! Well even if i lose him, i guess thoughts of him will be IN ME for a lifetime and never be erased...but i know i dun hav to think about dis situation..COS IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN...
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
It has been raining and raining but i neva got wet until today...n even that i got wet on purpose. WHY?! cos my darlings were strutting their stuff in the street soccer court! The men and well can these two click and work together..the way their legs handle the ball....It all seems like Magic! I tot the rain will stop but it just got heavier..hey but it neva stopped me from getting my eyes off this maginificent sport,FOOTBALL!
i LOVED the way guna Anna handled his players with great tactics, the way MY BABY dribbled past his opponents, the way Simal scored goals from the side, the way Sajeev reacted to minor pushes(hehehe),the way Kiran played his heart out,the way Karthik(mutu's fren) saved the goals and the way MA BRUDER played the game wid his all his passion.
I was drenched and I felt so uneasy!! I suggested we take a cab home and than we go anna place for the gathering!! Jus like dat, We went home..took our baths and left our house.At anna's place, we ate lunch..discussed abt the DINNER AND DANCE!!! i can't wait 4 it..YAHOOOO!!
AfTer dat, we went to NorthPoint get some food and cake 4 sara's SUPRISE birthday party!?!We went to jes's house(sara was in his room doin his presentation)..Hid in grandma's room!And than...we lit the birthday candles..and switched off the lights...jes called the house,Aunt answered and tot sara, he gotta call! he came to answer..and he jumped back in shock wen he saw us...hahahahaha..we sang happy birthday..ate pizzas...drank coke..saw the movie "hot chick"!
Than we headed home and in the bus...vadi played wid my hair..and he plaited my nice of him!!

ThAnK U vAdIvEiLa!
Sunday, January 08, 2006

Me AnD ma PiNK pussy cat drink...hehehehe the name's quite cheeky bUt the drinks is so sweet n tangy! Had a grt day out wid my sweet, bitching,eating and best of all, laughing our hearts out!! Thanks 4 the treat JES! i will treat u guys at WALA WALA on the 22nd okies?! hehehehe..Every gal will be blessed to hav gfs like these 2... We had so much to talk abt.. n i found out some dark secrets *evil grin*..JeS bought a red straw bag, and shirts fromTOPMAN for her baby and bruder!
We bought suba's mum a 48ml bottle of J'adore perfume( we got cheated by the sales gal cos she neva told us we had to fill the whole bottle and she went on to fill another 12 ml) ...Feeling abit cheated! but hey wat the hell, its for the world's most sweetest woman,SUBA'S MUM! we bought it 4 her b'day! I hanged on the fone wid ma baby on the train journey back! We met Meera(Suba's elder sis) And went to suba's place!
While the both of them went in, me and jes waited light the cake. we placed the outside of the neighbour's house and started placing the candles and lighting..SUDDENLY the neighbour opened the door..Jes n Me got a fright..But i said shhh!! its a suprise,sorry!! she apologised too..NICE LADY! Jes went in wid the cake...suba's mum smile..WAS SO BEAUTIFUL!! everyone fed her...I had ma share! We slacked in her house..and than JES dropped at home!!..Fantastic day wid

Ma babes!!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
I left ma previous job for another, dis time round, its for kindergarten job!! its more flexible..8-5, school holidays, lessons planned and its so NEAR TO MA BF'S PLACE!! hehehehehe...
Well, dat's not the major reason though, pay was attractive so how could i say no! the december weeks were so horrible i spent like ma days doing up ma class!! i even went there on 2nd jan to go do admin stuff!! Can't blame..i'm sort of a perfectionist!
I went to work at 7.45 but ma colleaugues were there before me...NVM! i settled down n waited for ma kids..8 - 12 sesiion! the kids were a grt bunch! but i had the problem wid teh school fees. parents jus gave the cash n left! i was SO BLUR :(.. i got 25 kids..wen kai,haresh,jovi,anna,keave,keane,jovan,irwin,amirul,ridhwah,Phoebe,nathaniel,
eileen,MARCUS!,mervyn,Valerieand i sort of dun remmeber the rest...i will soon !
They were a nice bunch except 4 one but hey every child is special in his way! n i hav learnt to accept in a way!!
Afternoon session, 1-5
It was so hectic, and one child had to cry but my supervisor was there to help me! She sort of calmed hiom down..n i played along wid him...soon he was able to sit down..I'm so excited..Y? I've got twins in ma class and i find them so ADORABLE!! so cool teaching twins..hehehehe Ma 25 kids
brian,danish danial,ren si,brad and ian(twins),nicole ng, nicole low, ying ying, Saif ali khan, ALOYSIOUS, BRYAN, jordan,joshua,qing xuan,Amanda,sherine,Nur Balqis,justin,jerriel,andrea..hmmm..the rest.. will soon be released..had a grt day today!!
He came to fetch me from work n went to hav dinner!! its so nice!! wid him in my life!
"The maiden swam alone
in her pool of tears,
drowning herself into
sorrows and anger,
Along came a Prince
and offered his hand,
he lifted her up from
her sadness and
gave HER a new gift,
This is for you, ma baby boy!
lIfE has never been so cool to Me!! Having people whu sincerely love me ard me..(SO NICE) had the most fantablulous NEW YEAR EVE EVA! i had every1 by ma side, family, frens and ma baby!! It wAs So FUN! We were rushing from temple to pravin's house bajan than to ma house to get changed 4 the party..I was rushing here n dere wid ma clothes n make up half-done! n than wen i got my lenses on, it started to itch like wat the hel!!! i rubbed it n the next moment i opened my eyes, IT WAS NOT THERE!! jes was suggestin, maybe it dropped on the floor! but NO! suba said it could be at the back of your eye! I went where?! i shifted ma eyes and there it was!
Wore ma lenses, wid self- made hat and future-improvised racer-back tee!! i headed down to where everybody was waiting!! i'm such a PRINCESS!!
than we reached dere, got stuff out, waited n waited n waited 4 the bbq to start.. We had charades and paatuku paatu( a tamil song compeitition where u sing a song for an indian alphabet)...Food was great! In ThE eNd, LADIESS WON!! it started to rain so wrap n head home!
SoMeThInG shocked me! Dad asked Vadi if he wanted to stay over! He knew vadi was ma bf but he didn't mind! I sort nearly teared wen i felt so much of trust n love from HIM! He was always a special person, i guess he WILL ALWAYS BE!